08 декабря 2018


Казючиц Галина Евгеньевна
Скок Вера Анатольевна
Устные темы
для подготовки к обязательному
выпускному экзамену по английскому языку
11 класс
Пособие для учащихся учреждений общего среднего образования
с русским и белорусским языками обучения

Card № 1. Let’s talk about accommodation
Card № 2. Let’s talk about the education
Card № 3. Let’s talk about the environment
Card № 4. Let’s talk about Belarus
Card № 5. Let’s speak about Great Britain
Card № 6. Let’s talk about science and modem technologies
Card № 7. Let’s talk about art
Card № 8. Let’s talk about your future career

Card № 9. Let’s talk about your family
Card № 10. Let’s talk about youth and society
Card № 11. Let’s talk about the mass media
Card № 12. Let’s talk about the mass media
Card № 13. Let’s talk about international cooperation
Card № 14. Let’s talk about national character and stereotypes
Card № 15. Let’s talk about outstanding people
Card № 16. Let’s talk about tourism
Card № 17. Let’s talk about accommodation
Card № 18. Let’s talk about your family
Card № 19. Let’s talk about your future career
Card № 20. Let’s talk about Belarus
Card № 21. Let’s talk about any Enlglish-speaking country
Card № 22. Let’s talk about national character and stereotypes
Card № 23. Let’s talk about youth and society
Card № 24. Let’s talk about education
Card № 25. Let’s talk about tourism

Данное пособие состоит из 25 разделов, охватывающих все ситуа­ции общения, представленные в билетах, утвержденных Министерством образования Республики Беларусь для обязательного выпускного экза­мена по учебному предмету «Английский язык» на 2017—2018 учебный год. Пособие содержит примеры устных высказываний по ситуации общения, а также ответы на уточняющие вопросы и задания, побужда­ющие учащихся задать вопросы, высказать и обосновать свою точку зрения.
Пособие предназначено для самостоятельной подготовки к беседе по ситуации общения и адресовано учащимся 11-х классов, сдающим обязательный выпускной экзамен, а также учителям и учащимся гимна­зий и лицеев, изучающим английский язык.

CARD № 1
Let s talk about accommodation.
There are different types of houses. People can live in a detached house, which is a house that is not joined to any other. It can be a mansion which is a very large expensive house, a bungalow (a house which has only one floor), a cottage (a house in the country usually with a garden). Some people live in a semi-detached house, which is two houses joined together; others live in a flat in a block of flats.
Each type of housing has its own advantages and disadvantages. Living in a detached house gives you privacy but all repairs in the house should be made by the owner, you need more time to clean the house. To my mind those people, who prefer to live in a cottage adore nature: they want to wake up to songs of birds, to enjoy beautiful landscapes, to breathe fresh air or in other words they want to have a calm and measured rhythm of life. Usually such people keep the poultry and the cattle. One of the advantages of living in such a house is that you have your own land where you can grow fruit and vegetables, make flowerbeds and plant beautiful flowers, lay out an orchard, etc. You can also build some outhouses like a green-house, a garage, a tool shed or an arbor. But the greatest disadvantage of living in a farmhouse or in a cottage, in my opinion, is that it takes much time to get to the nearest town, but if you have a car it isn’t a problem for you. That’s why I think living in a cottage is the best option for farmers and retired people.
The largest part of population in this country lives in blocks of flats. Li­ving in a block of flats is the cheapest type of dwelling in a town. A flat can be a studio unit, a one-bedroom, and two-bedroom or three-bedroom unit. It is easy to clean and maintain but your neighbors can make a lot of noise when they, for example, hammer or drill the wall, or when they organize a party.
Well, I would like to have a big house in the suburbs of the city with lots of fresh air, with a big play ground for my kids and with some place to prac­tice my gardening skills. If I had a chance to choose I would choose quieter green suburbs rather than crowded multi blocks of flats. Though each way of living has advantages, to my mind, a private house has more pluses for get­ting a pleasure.
    Where do you live: in a private house or a flat? What does it look like?
    How many rooms are there?
    Do you have your private room?
    What colors are your rooms decorated in?
    Are your rooms furnished with luxurious things?
    What place in your flat is your favourite? Why?
With a bit of careful planning, list writing, budgeting, and not rushing into things, you can make your new house a home, while not spending more than you can afford, and hopefully with a few less headaches and sleepless nights.
First of all, start with choosing the colors you’d like to have, if you hesitate, choose neutral colors. Neutral tones will always work, and can al­ways be easily dressed up with a dash of color in elements such as floor rugs or cushions in the future.
Invest in a quality bed and bedding. We spend a third of our lives in bed, so it seems logical to own a quality bed and bedding.
Don’t buy everything at once. As a general rule, it is better to shop around to see what is available, and to live in your home for a period of time before deciding what you actually need, and what will work best.
Painting is often the easiest, most affordable, and most impactful way to bring a room to life. This brand new kitchen immediately stands out from the crowd with its bold choice of colors.
One room at a time. Just not to make you go crazy about loads of work at once.
And last but not least, relax.
I fully agree that the room you live in reflects your character and person­ality. When you look around someone’s room and pay attention to the way they decorated it you can gain an insight into their lives. First and foremost you can tell from someone’s home what their hobbies and interests are, as well as their general tastes. In other words, if someone has a lot of films you can say that they enjoy movies, while if they have a set of weights this tells you that they like working out and staying in shape. If you see shelves full of books you can say that they are intelligent, well-read as they are fond of reading. If you see any posters you can understand what actors or singers someone is crazy about. If the room is messy you can see that the person is not organized, untidy or laid-back. He could be too busy to tidy up or he could suffer from an addiction or depression. If, on the contrary, the room is extremely clean then this could suggest a person who is obsessed with clean­ness, with so much attention to detail that it annoys other people.

Let’s talk about the education.
It’s one of the best educational establishments in Minsk that is famous for its high-quality teaching and good equipment. I want to say that our school is one of the modem schools in Belarus. It provides eleven years of education which offers a general course of academic and non-academic sub­jects. Besides it offers a number of courses giving a profound knowledge in a variety of fields: humanities, natural sciences, mathematics, etc.
The building itself is of typical design with the same layout and the distribu­tion of classrooms, administrative offices, canteens, gyms and libraries as you can see in most other schools. But when you come in through the front door you find yourself in a spacious hall with comfortable sofas and large windows.
School has become an integral part of my life. Our social and cultural life is well organized; both teachers and classmates are so friendly and easy to get along with. I am on good terms with my classmates, as all of them are interesting and enigmatic persons. We often spend our free time together and I think I will never forget these years and I will regret that everything has finished.
It is very important to have some school traditions, because it unites pupils and gives a sense of belonging and pleasant memories. Our school has a busy and eventful life.
In February we celebrate the "School Reunion Day." Ex-pupils and for­mer teachers of different years come to the school, remember their school years and share their life experience with us.
On Valentine’s Day a special "love post" works, and by the end of the day Cupids deliver love letters to pupils and teachers.
There are different events connected with volunteering to help disabled children.
I will never forget a "Self-government Day," when pupils performed the functions of school administration and teachers. It was very useful and a great fun.
And, finally, I can’t wait for the "Graduation Ceremony," when 11-for­mers say goodbye to the school family, thank their teachers and parents. They say it is a glamorous event, full of style, warmth and gratitude.
    What problems did you have when you were a student?
     Were you lazy or hardworking?
     What subjects made you feel disappointed?
    Did you get bad marks? How did you feel?
    Did you miss your classes without any serious reason?
I must say that when you leave school you understand that the time to choose your future profession has come. It’s not an easy task to make the right choice of a job. People choose profession according to their own inter­ests and abilities. And the most important thing is to understand what ex­actly you want to do and enter the university according to the sphere of your choice: whether it is medicine, economy, machinery or humanities. But what I fully support is the idea of having a good education.
Certainly I do. Our today’s modem world needs qualified people in all the spheres of life. Those people, who think that having a good education is not very important, have their own plans. Some girls want to be good moth­ers and have big families. Other people think that manual professions do not need a good education. In this case they are mistaken. To my mind all profes­sions need special education. Nowadays only highly qualified workers can deal with rather sophisticated equipment and computers. Sure, there are ta­lented people, but to my mind, all the gifts should be developed and sup­ported by education and by more experienced people.
Let’s talk about the environment.
Environment is the nature around us: air, water, trees, flowers, animals, birds and insects. Nature has served people for many years, but people’s in­terference in nature has increased and the results are dramatic. Nowadays mankind faces numerous problems which threaten our environment.
Among the most urgent problems are the ozone layer destruction, acid rains, global warming, air pollution, soil pollution, contamination of under­ground waters by chemical elements, disappearance of forests, animal extinc­tion, etc.
The poisoning of the world’s land, air, and water is the fastest-spreading disease of civilization. It probably produces fewer headlines than wars, earth­quakes and floods, but it is potentially one of history’s greatest dangers to human life on earth. If present trends continue for the next several decades, our planet will become uninhabitable.
Every ten minutes one kind of animal, plant or insect dies out for ever. If nothing is done about it, one million species that are alive today will have become extinct twenty years from now.
Industrial enterprises emit tons of harmful substances. These emissions have disastrous consequences for our planet. They are the main reason for the greenhouse effect and acid rains. An even greater environmental threat comes from nuclear power stations. We all know how tragic the consequen­ces of the Chernobyl disaster are.
People should understand that the planet needs their immediate help if they want to survive and they should take measures to protect nature.
First of all, they should understand that natural resources are limited and we can’t use them uncontrollably. Nothing can last forever. When you are aware of that you ought to start to do something. You should recycle things and use gas, electricity and water more economically. People should use pub­lic transport instead of private cars to reduce air pollution. They should re­cycle paper and cardboard to save trees.
They should join and support various international organizations and green parties. If governments also wake up to what is happening, perhaps we’ll be able to avoid the disaster that threatens the natural world and all of us with it.
    What measures are taken by your government to protect rare animals and birds?
    Are there any civil societies in Britain that aim at nature protection?
    What does your government do to protect marine species?
    Do your mass media share knowledge on nature protection?
    Do the British actively participate in protecting actions?
If I were you I would carry out a research on the use of private cars and their bad influence on the atmosphere and then, with the results, I would draw people’s attention to the problem.
I think shooting a 2-minute video about animals in danger and people’s help to them would be a good idea too.
People aren’t going to change their habits just to save the environment. They need to see the benefits for themselves. Here are some ideas to make your house ecological:
     install underfloor heating;
      buy furniture made from recycled materials;
      use water-based paints with natural pigments;
      if renovating or building, insist that your builder reduces waste and re­cycles rather than sending material to landfill;
      consider investing in solar panels;
      choose wood-framed windows rather than plastic or metal;
      replace old-style bulbs with energy-saving ones;
      monitor your electricity consumption;
      fit a water-saving showerhead;
      reduce, reuse, recycle.
Let s talk about Belarus.
Belarus is my Homeland. It is a country with unique history and rich cultural heritage. Officially it is called the Republic of Belarus, a sovereign independent state with its own government, constitution, state emblem, flag and anthem. Belarus is situated nearly in the centre of Europe and borders on Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Russia and the Ukraine. The territory of Be­larus is 207.6 thousand square kilometres. Its population is about 10 million people. The largest cities are Minsk, the capital, Gomel, Vitebsk, Mogilev, Grodno and Brest. Belarus is a country of rivers, lakes and forests. The long­est river is the Dnieper. The largest lake is Lake Naroch. The largest forest is Belovezhskaya Pushcha. The climate of Belarus is temperate and mild. My country is a developed industrial state. Its enterprises produce tractors and automobiles, motor-cycles, TV-sets and many other goods. Beautiful Belaru­sian scenery and unique history attract a lot of tourists. There are a lot of famous people among Belarusians: writers and poets, politicians and cosmo­nauts, artists and sportsmen. They are historic figures and our contemporaries whom we are proud of.
I have visited a few towns in Belarus such as Minsk, Mogilev, Grodno but most of all I was impressed by my visit to Belovezhskaya Pushcha. As you know there is the Residence of Ded Moroz (Slavic Santa Clause) in Belovezhskaya Pushcha and we saw European Bisons there.
      Where is Belarus situated?
      What city is the capital?
      Do people of Belarus speak Belarusian?
      What places are worth seeing in Belarus?
      I wonder people of what nationalities live in Belarus?
      What sights would you recommend to visit in Belarus?
      What dishes would you recommend me to eat in Belarus?
If I were you I would visit the National Library of Belarus, Mir and Nes- vizh castles and Lake Naroch. Mir castle is a UNESCO World Heritage site in Belarus. Brest fortress is a must for those who are interested in our history.
To my mind you should visit Belovezhskaya Pushcha, a beautiful national park, where you can see a lot of rare species of animals and birds, for example the European bison the oldest trees in Europe, the forest features the residence of Grandfather Frost, known as Ded Moroz, the Eastern Slavic Santa Claus.
Traditions are a part of our culture, so we should carefully observe them. We must respect our ancestors to feel that we are one nation. Such holidays as Kupalle, Dziady, Kaliady are wonderful examples of our rich Belarusian culture. We are responsible for this heritage and shouldn’t forget our history.
Let’s speak about Great Britain.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. The country consists of four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The capital of the UK is London. The population of the country is over 64 million people. Britain is a small, beautiful and densely populated country, separated from the continent by the English Chan­nel and the Straight of Dover.
The UK is inhabited by the English, the Scots, the Welsh and the Irish who constitute the British nation. English is the official language, but it is not the only language spoken in the UK, Gaelic and Welsh are also used in some parts of the country.
The UK is a parliamentary monarchy and the Queen is the head of the state. But in practice it is ruled by the elected government with the Prime Minister at the head.
The national anthem is "God Save the Queen." The national currency is pound. The flag of the UK is known as the Union Jack. It has its history. It all began in 1603 when Scotland was joined to England and Wales. The flag is made up of 3 crosses.
Every part of the country has its own national emblem. The red rose is the national emblem of England, the thistle is the national emblem of Scot­land, the daffodils and the leek are the emblems of Wales and the shamrock (a kind of clover) is the emblem of Ireland.
Though I am not a keen traveler I would like to visit Britain one day. English is spoken everywhere, but as you know it is different in various parts of the world. To taste British English is my main reason for going there. Books can tell us what English was 10—15 years ago, but I want to know what to­day’s English is. The place where I want to head for is London to see all the sights I have read about, to look at Buckingham Palace, at Big Ben, to stay at Nelson’s monument at Trafalgar Square and to go on a double-decker bus.
I’d like to have a word with real people in real life situations.
    What do Britons usually have for breakfast?
    What is the place you would recommend a foreigner to visit?
    What is your favourite place in London?
    What kind of people are there?
    What dishes would you recommend me to eat in Britain?
    I wonder people of what nationalities live in Britain?
There are a lot of interesting places in England. In London I would ad­vise you to see Big Ben, the most famous clock in the world. Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar square and the Tower are also exceptionally interesting. There are also a lot of museums in London where you can see a number of wonderful things. Madam Tussaud’s Museum is an exhibition of hundreds of life-size wax models of famous people of yesterday and today. I would also advise you to visit the Sherlock Holmes Museum devoted to the world-fa­mous private detective. Outside London you should certainly see Stonehenge, an ancient religious site. In Liverpool you can visit the Beatles museum where you will learn a lot of new facts about the greatest band in the world.
"So many countries so many customs" an English proverb says.
By comparing customs and cultures of people from other countries, we can leam how others view the world and why they think the way they do. By understanding others, we can not only form deeper relationship with oth­ers but can also leam more about ourselves and our own culture.
Let’s talk about science and modem technologies.
We live in the age of science and technology. The life of every one of us highly depends on the scientific inventions and modem technologies. Science has changed the lives of people to a great extent. It has made life easy, simple and fast. In the new era, the science development has become a necessity to finish the era of bullock cart and bring the trend of motorized vehicles. Sci­ence and technologies have been implemented to every aspect of moderniza­tion in every nation. Modem gadgets have been introduced to every walk of life and have solved many problems in such sectors as medicine, education, infrastructure, electricity, aviation, information technology and other fields.
Some examples of the advancement in the technologies are establishment of railway system, metro system, railway reservation system, super computers, mobiles, smart phones, online access of people in almost every area, etc.
The technological revolutions of the 21st century are emerging from en­tirely new sectors, based on micro-processors, tele-communications, bio­technology and nano-technology. Products are transforming business prac­tices across the economy, as well as the lives of all who have access to their effects. The most remarkable breakthroughs will come from the interaction of insights and applications arising when these technologies converge.
But science and technology also have a negative side which affects hu­man lives. If we look around the environment, most places are crowded and polluted due to the development of large buildings, factories and plants, which are all hazardous to our health.
Yes, I do. In frequent use is a modem TV, a microwave, an oven, a lap­top, an I-pad and a mobile. In my opinion new gadgets make our life easier. For example, everybody owns at least a basic mobile phone today. What makes it easy to use is its user-friendly nature, small size and its numerous attractive features. However, people are always eager to replace their mobile phones with the latest models having more advanced features. As the technol­ogy is scaling new heights, mobile phones are becoming cheaper and cheap­er and the customer is getting more for less. A great way of amusing yourself is by playing games on your mobile phone. If you want to store your precious moments, you can use its video recording feature. Mobile phones can be­come expressions of who we are by getting mobile ringtones, wallpapers, which turn your phone into a unique device.
     What kind of device is it?
     Is it brand new? Is it easy to use? What characteristics does it have?
         What exclusive functions does it have?
         What kind of sound system does it have?
     How much does it cost? What is the origin?
      get a case or a screen protector so that not to scratch or to break it;
      get to know good sites for downloading books on your device',
      get to know different formats for reading e-books',
      download a tool that will help you keep the track of your books not to buy one and the same book again;
      take advantage of free book downloading',
      check out your libraries, more and more libraries are getting into the digi­tal lending business;
      add text-to-speech features in case you want to listen to music while read­ing or to sound the text or the book you are reading;
      learn all the information about the rules of downloading and using later your books from different sites.
Sure in reasonable limits and with definite targets it is good. We can’t imagine our life today without the Internet. With the help of modem devices I have got an opportunity to access news, documents, images, sounds, video and games, to make friends, to book tickets and to purchase different things online. There are a lot of different sites for students, gardeners, businessmen, engineers, for people who are fond of music, cinema, theatre, sports and even for disabled people. What is more, the Internet has revolutionized the way people communicate. Sending electronic text messages is much faster and easier than writing letters. People use e-mail to stay in touch with friends worldwide. The only thing is not to go crazy about constant buying new brand devices though the high-tech world is developing so fast.
Let s talk about art.
It is human to admire beauty around us, we are often stmck when we see a painting or read a beautiful poem, or listen to soothing music. Art is every­where around us in many forms and holds a significant value in our lives. It is difficult to describe "art" in literal terms, but broadly it is understood as a form to express one’s feelings through any object or medium like paper, music, colours, technology, magic, photography, etc. It can be abstract, real­istic, naturalistic, conceptual and inspirational.
We are surrounded by art and also rely on it in our daily routine. When we enter someone’s home, it is difficult to stop ourselves to appreciate the way the living-room is decorated. It’s also art. One doesn’t have to be a painter, every individual expresses himself/herself, uses imagination and cre­ative energy to embellish and decorate the surrounding.
Art has many forms. Visual and performing arts are the ones that can be related easily. Visual arts broadly comprise of paintings, drawing, clay mod­eling, architecture, photography, etc. Performing arts include dance, music, opera, theatre, magic, spoken words, circus art and musical theatre. It is inter­related with entertainment.
Music has a great impact on our mood. It makes us joyful and relaxes us and keeps the energy on. Not only music but also movies, plays and theatre also make us active.
It can be concluded that the importance of arts in our lives is very simi­lar to entertainment. Nowadays art and craft education are encouraged at schools for children. It can be inspirational as well.
Art can be defined as communication between an artist and the audience. When an author writes, he takes words to create a story to communicate to us. Through this story, we are able to create a picture of the characters, visit new places, and find new meaning in simple events. An author’s writing style is his platform for sharing art.
Undoubtedly, the role of books in our life is really great. Books help to understand people surrounding us better. Devoting much time to reading we become better informed and more educated. Reading plays a great role in my life, too. It develops my literary taste, it makes me think over the important questions, that have to worry everybody. Reading develops my speech and helps me express my views, thoughts, ideas in clear, simple words. It also develops my outlook and my attitude to the life.
Reading plays a veiy important role in the life of people. It educates a person, enriches his intellect. Books help to mould a person’s character, form his moral values. Besides, books bring pleasure and delight. It’s a wonderful way to spend spare time. Sometimes we read the same book again and again. Thanks to books we learn to express our thoughts and feelings more exactly. The book is a faithful and understanding friend. There are books which have been our favorites since childhood. People are fond of reading different kinds of books. Some people enjoy reading detective stories, adventure stories, novels, biographies, other prefer classics. Fairy tales are enjoyed and read by children, books about adventures and journeys are enjoyed by those who are fond of travelling. Legends and myths are read by those who are fond of history. Some people devote much time to reading books and reading be­comes their free time occupation, their passion.
My reading preferences are various. For me, it is not the genre of the book that matters, but the talent and emotions the author has put into it. The choice of a book to read depends on my mood and the amount of free time I have.
But when I am not pressed for time, I prefer classical literature of the 19th and 20th centuries. To my mind, it was the "golden age" in the history of literature when masterpieces were created.
    What arts are you interested in?
    What kind of music do you like most? What are your favourite singers, bands?
    Are you fond of painting?
    Do you like going to the cinema? What movies have you seen lately?
    Are you fond of reading books? What authors are your favourite?

I’m so enthusiastic about listening to music, which has now become an extremely widespread hobby. You can hardly see any teenager without ear­phones in his ears on the streets today. The world of music is varied and color­ful. There is a great range of musical styles. Personally I mostly prefer metal music. It promotes power and might, sense of purpose, true friendship and heroism. Besides I really enjoy glam metal, which is a reflection of 80th, when people were free and emotional. This music moves me through time and plung­es me into the atmosphere of freedom. Moreover I am fancy about some Russian and Belarusian rock bands, as well as classic organ music and ethnic motifs.
To some extent, yes, it is. Films will always stay as one of the entertain­ments for people. But I should admit that cinemas attract many people while some new blockbusters are running there. Film producers realize that they have to make up something new to attract people. And with nowadays new technologies it is so fascinating to watch films wearing 3D glasses, for ex­ample. You get the full picture of the movie and can experience all the special effects personally as if you were a hero of that movie yourself. You can feel the water splashing right into your face, the blowing sand wind making you close your eyes, some frightening monsters that are ready to attack you!
Some people prefer watching movies at the cinema. They believe that cin­ema has a better atmosphere to enjoy the movie. However, from my point of view, people who watch movies at home are happier and freer than people who choose the cinema. People who watch movies at home feel more comfortable. Contrary to the fact that you have to book the ticket in advance in order to have a better position, there is no need for people at home to worry about the ticket.
Most experts consider that cinema provides the best conditions for watch­ing movies. However, with good equipment at home, we still have a chance to appreciate the movie.
As far as I am concerned, watching movies is relaxing. Cinema may just provide the best conditions to watch movie not the best way to enjoy the movie. To my mind, watching movie at home is better. But anyway there should be cinemas, it’s a good chance to hang out with your mates.
Let’s talk about your future career.
I must say that when you leave school you understand that the time to choose your future profession has come. It’s not an easy task to make the right choice of a job. People choose profession according to their own inter­ests and abilities. And the most important thing is to understand what ex­actly you want to do and enter the university according to the sphere of your choice: whether it is medicine, economy, machinery or humanities.
When choosing a future career, we should consider different factors. In my opinion, money is one of the most important factors when you make a choice. There are highly paid jobs and low-paid jobs. I think everybody wants to earn as much money as possible. Training, promotional prospects and conditions should be also taken into account.
On the other hand, it’s good when you get satisfaction from your job. It is very important to choose a profession that suits your interests. In my opi­nion, a job should be interesting and socially important. Some jobs are con­sidered to be more suitable for men and others for women. For example, the professions of a secretary or a nurse are more suitable for women. A lifeguard or a pilot are more likely the jobs for men. You should also decide whether you want to work indoors or outdoors.
To make the right choice, you should take into account your traits of character. It goes without saying that to become a good doctor you must be patient, caring and kind. Teacher’s work requires love for children, profound knowledge of subjects, and the ability to explain. A secretary has to be ef­ficient and careful in order to do the work quickly and accurately. Salespeople need to be friendly and persuasive, to get people buy their products.
I have always been interested in economics and I am good at mathemat­ics. I have an aptitude for working with people, and I think I’m rather com­municative and have good social skills. I have good analytical abilities and I am good at problem-solving. Besides, I am good at English.
So after finishing school I want to enter the university and to study mar­keting or management.
Frankly speaking, I don’t know because there are many downsides to having a part-time job when you are a student, as well as some advantages. People often think that part-time jobs are responsible for a student’s bad grades because a student pays less attention to the studies.
In my opinion, having a part-time job will actually help a student learn many skills that they might not have the opportunity to learn at university. I believe having a part-time job teaches a student the importance of time man­agement: combining work and studies at the same time. Having a part-time job also teaches a person how to communicate and interact with others.
So having a part-time job teaches students sharp skills which they will need all throughout their careers and lives.

     How does the organization show that it values its workers or employees?
    What do you expect me to do in order to help your company achieve its goals?
     What are the challenges that 1 might face in the job if hired?
     Have you got any special rules to regulate a working day?
     Is there any dress-code in your office?
     What is the period of holidays?
     Are there any additional financial rewards for the job?
One thing which all successful people have is the ability to make a good impression.
The type of dress or clothes you put on says so much about you. The first judgment that interviewers make is basically based on your dress code. Do not dress in casual or dirty clothes. Instead, look for official clothes and make sure that you are groomed properly.
One of the most important factors to take into consideration, whenever you are invited for an interview, is time. It’s very advisable for you to arrive for the interview at least 20 minutes earlier before the scheduled time. This will give you enough time to organize and recollect yourself well. Being punctual for the interview will also show the interviewers how serious and reliable you are for the job.
Self-confidence is also one of the most determining factors in an inter­view. During the interviewing process, just be yourself and provide relevant answers to the questions being asked. However, you should be very careful not to be overconfident. Do not go inside with chewing gum in your mouth or with your hands inside your pockets.
Nowadays it’s almost impossible to imagine any profession without global communication, making presentations and doing many sorts of things on the computer. And sure you must be skillful enough to work with it. Your employer will prefer to have a person who is potentially able to manage all these things.
So, if a person has got a strong motivation, it’ll be easy for him/her to make progress in the computer world. First of all it’s necessary to join some computer courses in case you are unable to manage some things yourselves. But to my mind, the Internet can offer you a great variety of possibilities connected with advancing your computer knowledge.
Let s talk about your family.
Family is very important for every person, because it gives you a sense of stability and tradition, a feeling of having support and understanding. You feel secure when there’s a family behind you. They are people whom you can trust and rely on, people who won’t let you down and who share your joys and sor­rows. In happy families parents are honest with their children, they treat their children with respect without bossing them, and children in their turn learn how to treat other people and how to form relationship with their peers.
Yes, I am. I enjoy honest and open relationship in my family. I like it when parents trust their children, give them enough freedom and respect them. I think these things make family relations warm and pleasant. There is no so-called "generation gap" in our family, though we may argue and dis­agree on certain issues. For example, my parents don’t always approve of my tastes, views and clothes.
In fact I have a closer relationship with my mother. We understand each other better, which I think is quite natural. We can spend hours and hours talking about our family problems, fashion, views on education, people’s relations and ambitions.
I guess when people spend more time together they become closer to each other. It’s a pity, but my parents and I are usually very busy during the week­days and we seldom have a chance to spend time together. Sunday is the day when we can sit at the table and talk over everything what happened during the week. Eating together makes us feel close and we often have our most frank conversations at this time. Also once a week my mum gives the flat a big clean. Of course I help her with it. By the way it’s not so boring. I turn on music and we even have tun. Then we may go shopping together. During our shopping rounds we discuss a lot of things and make plans for the next weekend. I try to keep in touch with my grandparents. They are always inter­ested in my daily routine, my plans, my school studies and always show sup­port and understanding when I have some problems. I also do my best to be helpful for them with household duties and summer work at our dacha.

    How big is your family?
    Do you often visit your relatives?
    Who do you get on with best in your family?
    What family traditions do you have?
    Do you like spending your free time with your relatives?
If you want to have a good relationship with your parents and grandpa­rents you should always remember that they love you and mean the best to you. You should appreciate what they do for you, show respect, and try to understand them. Be polite, don’t use harsh words. Remember their birthdays and other special events. Show your gratitude with a little gift, a flower or a hug. Make them realise that you care for them. If you go out in the evening remember that they worry about you, don’t forget to call them and tell where you are. Moreover, help about the house because your parents get tired at work. If you tidy up your room, do the washing up, do the shopping or cook­ing, you will let your parents rest and make them happy.
Generation gap is some misunderstanding between parents and children, grown-ups and teenagers. Adults and teenagers don’t see eye to eye on many things. Teenagers fight for their freedom; they want to be independent, to make their own decisions. Moreover, they don’t respect their parents, don’t want to obey them, and want to do whatever they want. Teens’ protesting shocks people around them. Sometimes they take to drugs, smoking and al­cohol. Some of them can be rude, heartless, ill-behaved. It is my firm belief that we must do our best to understand each other, to be polite, and respect each other’s opinion. In my family I don’t have this problem, my parents love me, understand me, support me and in my turn I do the same.
Let’s talk about youth and society.
Each age group in society has its own role and this is important in many different ways. Youth as a description of a sector of society has many definitions depending on the perspective being used. For the purposes of this dis­cussion youth will be considered to be the stage of life involving transition into adulthood: approximately age 15 to 25.
Young people are often considered to represent the future as they bring new ideas and energy to add to the pool of knowledge that currently exists. They can bring enthusiasm and vitality which can lead to new discoveries and developments that can benefit society or even the world at large. Al­though not the only drivers of social change, young people are seen to be one the key drivers engendering change. Whether this is inherent in the beliefs of young people or the hope for the future is placed upon them by older gene­rations is not clear. However, there are many new opportunities becoming available that can provide very different futures for today’s youth that were not available to previous generations.
The young generation occupies a special place in social environment. The future of any society depends on the practical and spiritual molding of the youth.
Youth constitute major portion of the world’s population. About 25 percent of the world population is youth. Thus, such a major portion of population can’t be ignored. Add to it the energy and determination, youth can be consid­ered to be almost the whole population because a young person can do the works of several old people. Moreover, they are the leaders of future. So, the youth play, probably the most crucial of roles in national development.
All societies pay special attention to the youth. Youth are not only the leaders of tomorrow, but also the partners of today. Young people are social actors of change and progress. They are a crucial segment of a nation’s de­velopment. Their contribution, therefore, is highly needed.
    What is your organization aimed at?
    What should you do to become a scout?
    Does everyone have a chance to check themselves?
    Do you do much training?
    What is necessary to become a good scout member?
    Are you proud of being a scout?
    What famous people of your country took part in scouting?
There are a lot of youth organizations in Belarus. The most authoritative of them are the Belarusian Republican Pioneer Organization (BRPO), the Belarusian Republican Union of Youth (BRSM), the Association of Belarusian Guides, the Belarusian Republican Scout Association. These activities are managed and directed by the State Committee on the Affaires of Youth.
The most numerous youth organizations are the Belarusian Republican Pioneer Organization and the Belarusian Republican Union of Youth.
The Belarusian Republican Union of Youth was formed on the 2nd of September 2002. This organization works in accordance with the Constitu­tion of the Republic of Belarus. Every young person at the age of 14 can join the BRSM.
The main aim of the BRSM is to create conditions for all-round develop­ment of young people and to contribute to creation of a civil society in Be­larus.
The Belarusian Republican Union of Youth and its members accomplish their goals and objectives in the following activities: they elaborate and ac­complish different educational, social and other youth programmes; they ren­der assistance in finding employment; they organize conferences, meetings, lectures, exhibitions, concerts and competitions, charity and volunteering; camping, sporting events and visiting memorials; outdoor activities and sports, including football, running, swimming and hockey for young people.
Membership has more than 500,000 young people between 14 and 31 years old. Members of the BRSM have certain rights and duties and they can leave the organization at their own free will.
Get vocal about your organization
In order to draw youngsters to your organization, you need to keep your message simple, fresh and entertaining. Organize events for young people during which you can distribute leaflets, bookmarks and other attractive ma­terials to help spread your message among young people.
Highlight the cause
Millennial are mostly motivated by passion for a cause, so when spread­ing the word about your organisation, concentrate on your mission. With that in mind, motivate young people to get involved by showing them that they are able to make a difference.
Don't underestimate the power of social media
Social media channels are currently the most successful communication tools popular among the younger generation. Effectively use Facebook and Twitter to share lectures, publish articles and ask engaging questions.
Make sure to know which social networks are used by your target audi­ence and meet them where they tend to hang out online.
Make experiences mutually rewarding
Young people turn to youth organizations to gain precious work and life experience, so offer opportunities that will help with future university admis­sions, guarantee extra credit or help young individuals launch their careers.
Let s talk about the mass media.
The means of communicating news and information is termed as mass media. Mass media is classified in two categories: one is print media and the other is electronic media. Print media include newspapers, magazines, jour­nals and other printed materials, while electronic media include radio, televi­sion, satellite channels, internet, cinema etc.
It goes without saying that mass media has become an integral part of modem people’s life. The Internet, newspapers, magazines, journals, TV and radio keep us always informed about all the spheres of our life. Mass media offer us a great range of opportunities for education and entertainment. How­ever, I’d like to point out the fact that we can benefit from mass-media sourc­es only possessing critical thinking. The information attacks us all the time and we undoubtedly need to filter it in order to save our sharp mind, creative thinking and bright personality.
Media is called the public form or people’s parliament. Media play the role of a bridge between the government and ordinary people. Media do not simply provide people with information, news and ideas but also raise vari­ous issues on social, economic and political matters. They also form con­sciousness and public opinions in different problems and issues. People ex­press their opinions through media. Various formats of programmes like talk show, street show, documentary, live reporting, video articles, editorials on different local and global issues are broadcast and published. Media keeps us dated about what is happening around the world. Media focus on various social evils, political or economic crisis and guide people through them. To­day right to information is recognized as one of the fundamental rights of people and media ensure this right.
The Internet has changed communication as we know it. From education to advertisement, this new technological advance has affected practically ev­ery aspect of our lives. Magazines, newspapers and even books are "online" and can be read on the computer. You can find information on any topic — the possibilities are endless. The Internet can instantly connect you to other computers, allowing you to "chat" with people all over the world. It’s actu­ally very easy to learn how to use the system, and once you’re online, you’ll never want to turn the computer off! The development of such technology has come a long way. These amazing electronic devices have changed many people’s life forever.
    What kind of mobile is it?
    Is it brand new? Is it easy to use? What exclusive functions does it have?
    What kind of camera does it have?
    What processor and how much memory does it have? What platform does it run on?
    How much does it cost? What is the origin?
    Are you happy with your new smartphone?
Try to be reasonable when asking your parents for an iPad. Explain the advantages of owning it and let them make a list of disadvantages to com­pare. If they still say no, don’t push it — wait until they’re in a good mood, and talk to them then.
See customer reviews on the iPad at certain selling sites. If you don’t want to pay full price, check out eBay or Amazon for a used iPad. Try to find a good deal, or trade. You could offer to pay half of the price if your parents seem a little unconvinced.
Ask for it on birthdays, special occasions, Christmas.
Try not to keep on about it, as your parents will likely become stressed and annoyed.
Sure in reasonable limits and with definite targets it is good. We can’t imagine our life today without the Internet. With the help of modem devices we have got an opportunity to access news, documents, images, sounds, video and games, to make friends, to book tickets and to purchase different things online. There are a lot of different sites for students, gardeners, busi­nessmen, engineers, for people who are fond of music, cinema, theatre, sports and even for disabled people. What is more, the Internet has revolutionized the way people communicate. Sending electronic text messages is much faster and easier than writing letters. People use e-mail to stay in touch with friends worldwide. The only thing is not to go crazy about constant buying new brand devices though the high-tech world is developing so fast.

Let’s talk about the mass media.
Nowadays information communication is an important part of our life. It goes without saying that mass media has become an integral part of modem people’s life. People live with a constant necessity of getting new informa­tion. How can they satisfy their need? They may communicate with one another or just use the huge space of means of communication. People need information in order to keep up with the whole world around them — with vogue, new trends of life, discoveries and inventions. We live to leam news; we breathe and live with this.
Mass media play an important role in the life of society. Mass media include various types of media such as television, radio, newspapers and magazines. Reading newspapers and magazines, watching TV, listening to the news on the radio are our main means of getting information.
TV is rather popular kind of mass media. We have many different chan­nels through which viewers are fond of watching films, sports, plays, educa­tional and cultural programs.
Newspapers report different kinds of news. They carry articles which co­ver the latest international and national events. Some people still buy newspa­pers for the radio and TV programs which they publish. There are newspapers and magazines for young people. They give a wide coverage of news, events and reports on education, sports, cultural life, entertainment, fashion.
Mass media brings to millions of homes not only entertainment and news but also cultural and educational programs. If you watch TV and listen to the radio you can improve your knowledge of history, biology, literature or even leam a foreign language by radio.
I agree to some extent with this idea. Radio is less popular than newspa­pers and television. But people listen to the radio in cars and at work. I usu­ally listen to the radio when I do my homework because it helps me think. There is a lot of music on modem radio and very few conversations. Every hour radio stations tell us news in brief. There are different types of radio stations. They are divided according to the style of music they play. There are radio stations where you can hear only classical music, rock or pop mu­sic. Older people like listening to the radio. So it can be seen that even being less popular than TV or the Internet, radio still possesses great power of in­fluencing the public’s minds and tastes and definitely has its fans.
     How often do you read newspapers?
     What columns are you most favourite?
     What newspapers give us the news?
     Have newspapers changed over the years?
     Do you prefer to buy newspapers or read them in the electronic version?
Printed press is available mainly in the Belarusian and Russian languages, though there are some newspapers in English, Polish, Ukrainian and German.
The most influential newspapers include "Belarus Segodnya" and "Re- spublika." Local editions of major Russian newspapers "Komsomolskaya Pravda" and "Argumenty i Fakty" are very popular in Belarus, too. Nine national news agencies, including seven private ones, operate in Belarus.
The BelTA News Agency is the country’s biggest news agency, having the correspondent network in all the regions of the country.
It is true that the world today is full of dramatic events and most news seems to be bad news. But people aren’t interested in ordinary events. That is why there are so many articles about natural disasters, plane crashes, wars, murders and robberies. Good news doesn’t usually make headlines. Bad news does.
Nevertheless, newspapers are worth buying! My father thinks they are a daily source of news, education and fun that no home should be without. He is sure that every home should have at least 3 different newspapers a day to get a balanced opinion of world events. So my father buys newspapers to do our bit for the local economy.
Let’s concentrate on one more of mass media branches — television. As we know, it appeared much later than such kinds of mass media as radio, newspapers and magazines. Nowadays almost everybody has got at least one TV-set at home. Television now plays an important role in our life. It takes a steady place in our daily timetable. However, watching television has two sides: not only advantages, but also disadvantages.
On the one hand, TV keeps people informed of current events; TV gives us wonderful possibilities for education. We can choose any programme ac­cording to our interests, mood and needs. There is a great amount of channels which are specialized in various spheres. It can be the sphere of politics, news, sports, animals, feature films, soap operas, art, talk-shows, cartoons, educational programmes, music, fashion and many others. Such channels as "History," "Discovery," Animal Planet" enrich our knowledge in different fields. There are also channels which offer to our attention some educational programmes for children and adults, for example "Happy English" — a pro­gramme focused on teaching the English language.
The second advantage of watching television is that it gives families an opportunity to spend some time together. Nowadays adults are often too busy to give enough attention to their children. When they come home from work in the evening, so tired and exhausted, the only possible way to relax for many is just lay on the sofa in front of TV. In such situations it’s high time to choose a family comedy and watch it together with thechildren. So, watching TV helps us to relax and forget about it worries and problems that are on our mind.
Moreover, television is a great source of entertaining. Every day there is a wide choice of films and serials on TV — detectives, dramas, comedies, action films, thrillers, horrors, cartoons and others. Nowadays you are not limited in your choice. Besides, sometimes television is the only opportunity to watch concerts of world-famous celebrities.
However, watching television has its negative side. It is well-known that television may turn to be harmful for our health. Spending too much time in front of a TV screen may affect our eyesight badly. There are many cases when children become TV-addicted. Every spare minute they try to switch the TV on. Their progress in studies suffers due to the fact that children try to do their homework as fast as they can in order to have more time for watching TV.
Moreover, nowadays some TV programmes and films include a lot of violent scenes that can have a negative influence on a child’s psychic deve­lopment.
Another disadvantage of television is an enormous amount of advertis­ing, as it makes people buy some useless or unnecessary things.
Finally, many children nowadays would rather spend a day glued to a TV-set than go outdoors to play with their peers.
Undoubtedly, we need TV, for it is one of the main and most convenient means of mass media. However, taking into account all its drawbacks, we must try to organize our time in the right way so as not to become a TV slave.
Let s talk about international cooperation.
International relations are an exceptionally important aspect of citizenship in a global society. As our world becomes smaller and smaller through communication technology, rapid air transportation and a complex international economy, the value of peaceful and cooperative relationships between nations is increasingly important.
Historically, one of the oldest expressions of international relations was the establishment of treaties and agreements between nations. Maintenance of these treaties ensured that ordinary people could go about their everyday tasks of earning a living and raising their families rather than dedicating themselves to armed conflict with neighbors. This function of international relations remains just as relevant today.
Positive international relations also promote effective trade policies bet­ween nations in terms of importing natural resources and finished products not available in the country.
Besides the transport of goods over international borders, people also frequently migrate between countries, looking for opportunities to enhance their lives. This travel may be temporary or permanent, but in either case it must be regulated to ensure the rule of law as criminals must be kept out of the country while legitimate business, tourist and immigrant travel is pre­served.
Nations often face global issues that are larger than any specific country or even continent, such as concerns over the environment, pandemics and terrorism. Sound international relations are required for nations to cooperate effectively to meet these challenges, allowing nations to share relevant infor­mation quickly and pool resources.
International relations are not only about regulating and controlling the flow of goods and information, they are also advantageous for promoting the advancement of human culture in a general way. The diversity of world cul­tures can be promoted and shared through enlightened international relations policies, allowing programs such as student exchanges and cultural exhibitions to enhance our understanding of the variety of human expression worldwide.
At present Belarus actively participates in an effective international part­nership with the governments of different states and international organiza­tions. As a co-founder of the United Nations, Belarus cooperates with various institutions and organizations of the United Nations, World Bank, World Health Organization, International Labor Organization, UNESCO, the Euro­pean Union, etc. Belarus has a friendly working relationship with such coun­tries as Germany, Denmark, France, Canada, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, Great Britain, The USA and many others.
As a sovereign country, Belarus enjoys full rights and is active on the foreign arena. From the moment of setting up the United Nations Organization (UNO) Belarus as one of its constituent member states takes an active part in the work of this association, its organs and institutions. Belarus regularly sends its delegations to the sessions of the UNO General Assembly, has its permanent delegation and its own staff in it. Belarus is a member of some international specialized organizations, commissions, bureaus, funds and other organs.
On the initiative of Belarus the international organizations have adopted a number of important decisions, particularly on the punishment of war crim­inals, on education of youth in the spirit of ideas of peace and friendship among nations. Belarus has signed many treaties, agreements, protocols and conventions on co-operation with other countries in various fields. Together with representatives of other peace-loving countries the envoys of Belarus are struggling for implementing a policy that answers the basic interests of all nations of the world, for their peace and security, co-operation and friendship.
    What are the aims of the festival?
    What countries will be represented at the festival?
    Where will it be held?
    Who are the sponsors of the festival?
    Is the participation free of charge?
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNES­CO) contributes to promotion of knowledge, builds collaborative networks of scientists, conducts researches in the field of social, human and natural sci­ences, develops the standards for intellectual cooperation.
Participation of Belarusian scientists in UNESCO programmes and ac­tivities provides the possibility to obtain expert assistance in the implementa­tion of research projects. It is a means of bringing intellectual, material and technical capacity of other countries, of gaining access to the results and methods of the up-to-date scientific research.
Naturally, global ecological problems cannot be solved by the efforts of individual States alone. National measures to protect the environment must be combined with wide international cooperation at the global level.
In order to decide who has to contribute what, we all have to cooperate and work closely together to create laws and regulations that will supersede conflicting interests.
At the present time, there are a number of international treaties of differ­ent kind governing various aspects of the protection of the environment and the rational utilization of natural resources. These agreements primarily con­cern the prevention of the pollution of maritime waters and the Earth’s atmo­sphere, the protection and rational utilization of the animal and plant world on land; the protection of unique natural objects and complexes and the pro­tection of the Earth’s environment from radioactive contamination.
An important role in the development of the international protection of the environment is played by resolutions adopted by international organizations, and above all by the United Nations and its specialized agencies.
Let’s talk about national character and stereotypes.
Almost every nation has a reputation of some kind. The English are reputed to be cold, reserved, rather haughty people who do not yell in the street, make love in public or change their governments as often as they change their underclothes. They are steady, easy-going, and fond of sport.
The foreigner’s view of the English is often based on the type of Englishman he has met travelling abroad. Since these are largely members of the upper and middle classes, it is obvious that their behaviour cannot be taken as general for the whole people. There are, however, certain kinds of behaviour, manners and customs which are peculiar to England.
The English are a nation of stay-at-homes. There is no place like home, they say. And when the man is not working he withdraws from the world to the company of his wife and children and busies himself with the affairs of the home. "The Englishman’s home is his castle" is a saying known all over the world; and it is true that English people prefer small houses, built to house one family, perhaps with a small garden. But nowadays the shortage of building land and inflated land values mean that more and more blocks of flats are being built.
The fire is the focus of the English home. What do other nations sit round? The answer is they don’t. They go out to cafes or sit round the cocktail bar. For the English it is the open fire, the toasting fork and the ceremony of English tea. Even when central heating is installed it is kept so low in the English home that Americans and Russians get chilblains, as the English get nervous headaches from stuffiness in theirs.
Foreigners often picture the Englishman dressed in tweeds, smoking a pipe, striding across the open countryside with his dog at his heels. This is a picture of the aristocratic Englishman during his holidays on his country estate. Since most of the open countryside is privately owned there isn’t much left for the others to stride across. The average Englishman often lives and dies without ever having possessed a tweed suit.
Most English people have been slow to adopt rational reforms such as the metric system, which came into general use in 1975. They have suffered inconvenience from adhering to old ways, because they did not want the trouble of adapting themselves to new.
The two nations of the United Kingdom have each derived from mixed sources, racially and historically. Each has developed strong national characteristics which separate them in custom, habit, religion, law and even in language.
The English are amongst the most amiable people in the world; they can also be very ruthless. They are generous in small matters but more cautious in big ones. The Scots at first glance are not so amiable. They abhor compromise, lean much upon logic and run much to extremes. They are penny-wise but can be prodigally pound-foolish. They can be dour and gray, or highly coloured and extravagant in gesture and manner.
     What are the main national characteristics of British people?
     What are the specific qualities of the British national character?
     Are the British individualists?
     What is your favourite saying about the British?
     What stereotypes connected with the British do you know?
In France you shouldn’t sit down in a cafe until you’ve shaken hands with everyone you know.
In Pakistan you mustn’t wink. It’s offensive.
In the Middle East you must never use the left hand for eating, drinking or smoking. Also, you should take care not to admire anything in your host’s home. They will feel that they have to give it to you.
In Russia, you must match your host’s drink for drink or they will think you are unfriendly.
In America you should eat your hamburger with both hands and as quickly as possible. You should try to have a conversation until it’s eaten.
Foreigners have ideas about what is "British". But some of these things are not part of most ordinary people’s everyday life. The great British breakfast and afternoon tea, for example, are mostly found in hotels and "bed and breakfast" places for tourists. Though coffee is also popular, the British drink as much tea these days as before.
The British population (over the age of ten) drinks about 200,000,000 cups of tea a day. That is an average of nearly 1,040 cups of tea a year for each person. Tea came to Britain in the late 1500s, but it was only for the very rich. It became cheaper about three hundred years later, when it was planted in India and later in Ceylon (Sri Lanka). People from all classes started drinking it. But some people thought that too much tea was bad for your health. So they started putting milk in it, to make it healthier!
It takes time to know a British person well. British people are generally quite shy, and they do not make friends easily with strangers. Perhaps this is because they live on an island! And they are not good at learning foreign languages.
British people spend less money on clothes than the people of other European countries. Most of them are not very interested in clothes. Many British people wear suits to the office during the week, but at weekends they prefer to wear jeans.
Dr Johnson, a famous English writer, said over 200 years ago, "When two Englishmen meet, their first talk is of the weather." This is still true! Conversations between British people today often begin with the subject of the weather.
Let’s talk about outstanding people.
Once in our life we start to consider what actually to be an outstanding person means.
In my opinion to be an outstanding person means to possess personality, not to be like anyone else and it is someone who is not trying to emphasize it. An outstanding person is the one who wants to do something good in his or her life and who likes to help other people and leaves some kind of trace in the life of others, I believe, an outstanding person is not a person who is famous all over the world. A great number of remarkable people surround us and we may not even know about it.
All famous people we can speak about are outstanding, because to make yourselves known and be spoken about you have to be different in some way and not only people bom to famous and rich families can be called outstanding.
Vice versa, people who have to find their own way in life, people who have to do everything by themselves, they have a chance to become famous, strong, confident.
Americans are very proud of Bill Gates and they consider him an outstanding person. Why? He was able to create something from nothing. He is not like everyone else, he is one of a kind and that makes him an outstanding person. A young man who used to work in his garage became famous all over the world and when you exchange a word with him you’ll never get a message, that he is better than you are. This is an example of becoming an outstanding person, a respectable and strong person.
We have to live our lives to be respected, we shouldn’t do harm to anyone, we have to help people, that will make an outstanding person from each of us.
Belarusian national art has deep roots in the past. During the First Russian Revolution the voices of the young poets Yanka Kupala, Yakub Kolas, the revolutionary poet Tyotka-Elaisa Pashkevich and other talented writers could be heard throughout the country. Elaisa Pashkevich was a teacher, the author of poems written in defence of ordinary people. Kupala represented one of the peaks of Belarusian poetry. He fully expressed the spirit, the character and hopes of his people, hatred for the oppressors of the people. Kolas also created many remarkable poems about the destiny of Belarus and later two larger epics — "The New Land" and "Simon the Musician."
One of the wonderful Belarusian lyrists was Maxim Bogdanovich. He lived only 25 years but raised Belarusian literature to the world level. His poems preserve national spirit and express real pain for the people. His poems and songs are known everywhere in the world.
I also appreciate Vasil Bikov’s works. They have been translated into many languages of the world. His books "The Cranes Are Crying", "The Obelisk", "Sotnikov", "The Wolves’ Pack" are well-known. There are films made from his stories.
     What characters are your most favourite?
     What can inspire you to write a new book?
     Do the characters of your books come from a real life?
     Was it your dream to become a writer?
     Is it easy to create a new story?
It’s difficult to speak about Kupala, Scorina, Tadeush Kostyushko. Little message about their biography is not enough to understand what kind of people they were. For me it’s easier to talk about my friends or someone I know, and it’s my grandfather. What I know, the person I’m becoming is all thanks to him. He is the person who helps everyone and never asks anything in return, he taught me to love books, never to stop and to go on. That was the main idea he taught me and he gave me the message: you have to do everything in life just to respect yourself and no one will give you more in the world to be desired. These few rules my grandpa passed on to me and I’m a lucky person because I have this kind of man in my life and thanks to him I’m accepting the world as it is.
There is place for heroic deeds, each of us is able to do it, to respect others and to be respected.
It is widely believed that famous people have a wonderful life with no worries or problems. But is being famous so easy?
The greatest advantage of being famous is that celebrities are usually very rich so they have easier life than other people. They live in beautiful houses maintained by housekeepers, gardeners, cooks and other servants. They do not have to worry about paying bills, can afford the best clothes and drive the latest models of fast cars. What is more, they spend their holidays in expensive resorts, get the best hotel rooms and the most efficient service.
Secondly, when you are famous, your name is known by everyone. Then, you are invited to the best parties and meet other celebrities. Your fans send you letters to tell you how much they admire you.
However, being recognized by everyone in the street can be annoying. Famous people have no privacy, paparazzi try to photograph them all the time, people stop them in the street, asking for an autograph.
Fame also carries worry about your own safety and the safety of your family. There is always a danger that a crazy fan may try to kidnap or kill you or your children, so it is necessary to employ bodyguards.
All in all, fame may be nice but not an easy thing to live with. You have money but you do not feel safe, you have friends and fans but you can never be sure if they like you for who you are or for your money.
Let’s talk about tourism.
I must admit that nowadays tourism has become very popular and turned into a prosperous business. More and more people travel every year though the motivation for this is different. If you want to experience a whole new environment, to see new places and meet new people, travelling is the right way. Travelling on business allows people to get more information about achievements of other companies and helps them make their own business more successful. Some people travel for educational purposes, or they visit their distant relatives and Mends.
Today more and more people would prefer to spend their holidays travelling. Rich or poor, old or young they strive to leave the place where they live or work and move to another spot of our planet at least for a week.
As far as reasons for travelling are concerned, people travel to see other counMes and continents, modem cities and the mins of ancient towns, to enjoy picturesque places. It is always interesting to discover new thing and other ways of life, to meet different people, taste different food, examine various architectural styles, visit museums and art galleries. Travelling is a remarkable key to understanding other cultures, a wonderful opportunity to leam more about the world we live in.
Nowadays people can travel in different ways. People usually travel by air, by rail, by sea or by road. All means of travel have their advantages and disadvantages. And people choose one according to their likes and financial possibilities. Of course, travelling by air is the fastest and the most convenient way, but it is the most expensive too. Travelling by train is much slower, but it has its advantages. Not only have modem trains very comfortable seats, but also you can see much more interesting places of the country you are travelling through. Speed, comfort and safety are the main advantages of trains and planes. That is why many people prefer them to all other means. Travelling by sea is popular mostly for pleasure Mps.
As for me I prefer travelling by car. I think it’s very convenient. You don’t need to reserve your tickets. You don’t need to carry heavy suitcases. You don’t depend on the timetable. You are free to stop and change the direction whenever you want. You can admire the landscapes you are passing by and you can take a break for a picnic if you feel hungry.
    Do 1 need a passport or visa?
    What are the emergency numbers I can call?
    What is the best time of the year to travel there?
    How long will it take me to get to the destination?
    What excursions are included into the tour?
If I were you, I would travel around my own country first and then travel abroad. There are a lot of places to visit in Belams such as Mir castle, a UNESCO World Heritage site in Belarus, Brest fortress, which is a must for those who are interested in our history, Belovezhskaya pushcha, a beautiful national park with rare species of animals and birds, and others.
Visiting a foreign country, people usually come in touch with culture, traditions and ways different from their own. To avoid possible difficulties one should get acquainted with this or that country beforehand and then follow the proverb "When in Rome, do as the Romans do."
It means that visitors should show respect for the other culture and its traditions. In this way it will be possible to avoid difficulties.
Let s talk about accommodation.
I live in Minsk, the capital of the Republic of Belarus and it’s my native city. I’m proud to be its citizen. It’s an ancient city with a rich history. Minsk is 950 years old. It’s the country’s major industrial and cultural centre and one of its most beautiful places. The city has acquired its peculiar look and coloring thanks to the well-planned avenues and squares, to the green parks and gardens stretching along the Svisloch river, to the historical monuments and newly built underground stations.
The Upper Town, a vast area of the old Minsk with the centre in Cathedral Square, which was the most important part of the city, was built in the 16th century, the City Hall, the men’s and women’s St Bernard and St Basil monasteries, the 17th—18th centuries Catholic Church are also situated there.
The recently restored mansion in Intemationalnaya Street that once belonged to the artist V.Vankovich now is a part of the National Fine Arts Museum.
The city’s second largest avenue Prospect Masherova with its numerous public buildings and dwelling blocks rising along the water-and-park Svisloch river artery appeared in the 70s—80s. In 1985, the Minsk-Hero City monument was erected in the Victory Park.
The pride of the city is its parks: the Gorki Park, the Cheluskintsy Park, the Central Botanical Garden and the water-and-park Svisloch reserve.
There are 6 professional theatres and many museums in Minsk.
Also I can’t help mentioning our National Library with its modem design and nice architectural structure. The Library lights up at night thus making this whole structure look amazing. There is also a nice scenic caf6 where you can dine enjoying the picturesque parts of the city and getting the panoramic view from above.
Minsk today is growing and prospering. Embassies, banks, business centers, offices and other public and private institutions have been springing up in the city. Minsk is so romantic and magic and so attractive in every season of the year.
Well, I would like to have a big house in the suburbs of the city with lots of fresh air, with a big play ground for my kids and with some place to practice my gardening skills. If I had a chance to choose I would choose quieter green suburbs rather than crowded multi blocks of flats. Though each way of living has advantages, to my mind, a private house has more pluses for getting a pleasure.
    What will our new house be like and where will I be going to school, all the little things like what kind of bedroom will I have?
    What does our new neighbourhood look like?
    What is there to do in the area after school or at weekends?
     Are there good places we can visit as a family in our first few weeks?
     What s my new school like? What clubs does it run? What s the uniform like?
Moving to a big city can be a shock, especially when coming from a really small town or even a rural lifestyle. It’s not just the sheer size that you have to deal with when you relocate to a larger city. There are things like the increased cost of living, integrating with different cultures and staying sane in unfamiliar surroundings. But there are small tips:
     buy a map. You can buy a paper map booklet, or if you have a smartphone, make use of the built in mapping software;
     take a tour. If you’re in a city that has any kind of tourism industry, book yourself on a city tour;
     talk with family or friends living in your new city. If you know people in your new city, talk and meet with them to ask questions and get used to your new home. Ask for advice on getting around, areas to stay away from, nice places to shop, where to eat, etc.
The cost of living will be higher in a big city, so keep your finances in check if you want to survive.
     socialize, network, and make friends.
City life can be extremely hectic, leaving you working, sleeping or traveling throughout most of the week. This type of lifestyle can leave you feeling drained, isolated and, in some extreme cases, can lead to depression, so it’s especially important to make friends to spend time with on your weekends or downtime.
I like the saying: "The grass is always greener on the other side." It means we tend to believe life in places different from our residence is for some reason better. Considering this I must say that I’m content with living here, in a big city, where most of my family members live.
Among advantages we can find employment opportunities, education establishments, healthcare facilities, food options with a great variety of shops and mall centers, public transport options and a great choice of leisure activities and places to have fun.
Dreaming of having a small flat on the sea coast is natural for people but we realize that it doesn’t matter where we live; the thing that matters is our feeling happy with everything around us. For me it is much easier to cope with life having my family nearby.
Let’s talk about your family.
Every summer we go to the seaside together, where we relax, and have fun. But to put our entire family together is hard enough just because one of my grannies lives far away and we can’t meet as often as we want. As for the rest of my family, my uncles and aunts, they are also involved into their own family life routine but we try to arrange our big meetings at least once or twice a year, mostly in summer, at my grandparents’ dacha to have barbeque and to enjoy the time all together.
In my opinion if you want to have a tight-knit family you should respect and support your partner, you should be understanding, friendly, tolerant, polite, sympathetic. Both parents should be involved in childcare. The members of the family should always communicate with each other. If they don’t see eye to eye on some things they should talk it over. Moreover, the members of the family should share joys and sorrows as well as domestic chores. It goes without saying they should help each other in a difficult situation and try to spend a lot of time together. If you form and keep your family traditions it will do your family a lot of good. The members of the family should appreciate what they do for each other and be grateful to each other.
    Do you cook national dishes at home?
    What is your favourite dish?
    Do you eat a lot ofjunk food?
    What dish do you always cook for a family gathering?
    What does your usual breakfast consist of?
Well, I can’t say I’m an expert, moreover, to my mind, it is a very stressful process for the organizer but I guess there are some survival tips to manage everything
     think about the event itself to arrange a place for it;
     make the list of your guests and don’t forget to send them the invitations to your party, to make sure all of them can come;
     make up the menu, try to remember all the details and preferences of your relatives and the aim of your gathering. For example, if it’s a birthday, you must order a birthday cake. If it’s a barbeque party you must keep in mind all the stuff you have to buy and take to the place of destination;
     don’t forget about your children s spending time at your gathering, think over the games they can play or organize some kind of animation not to make them bored;
     and last but not least, don’t forget to take your happy mood with you and I’m sure your family gathering will be a success.
Well, I can’t be an expert because I don’t have any brothers or sisters but anyway I’ll try to make up my mind. Teasing is just one of those things that happens between siblings. And it is completely normal. Annoying, sometimes heartbreaking, but normal. May be in such a specific way they try to show their feelings. So if you don’t like that, you can tell your elder brother that his teasing hurts your feelings. To my mind teasing will never end. It is just the case of your attitude to it. The more you pay attention to it, the more you’ll be teased. At least it will be good to learn to protect yourself. Something should be ignored, something should be revenged. As soon as you both get older the way of your communication will change for the better, I hope.

Let’s talk about your future career.
A person who performs the unique work of management is called a manager. That is, a manager plans, organizes, directs, and controls a company’s business. An important characteristic of managers is that they do their jobs by working with and through other people.
There is a statement: "Management is getting work done through people." Most of achievements in any society take place because groups of people get involved in joint effort. Almost everyone is, was, or someday will be a manager, i.e. the person who coordinates human, information, physical, and financial resources of an organization. In order to perform their functions adequately, managers need interpersonal, organizational, and technical skills.
Regardless of the specific job, most managers perform five basic functions.
The first one is planning, which involves determining overall company goals and deciding how these goals can best be achieved. Planning is listed the first management function because the others depend on it.
Organizing, the second management function, is putting the plan into action. Staffing, i.e. choosing the right person for the right job, is also a part of the organizing function.
Directing is the day-to-day direction and supervision of employees. In direc­ting, managers guide, teach, and motivate people so that they reach their potential abilities, and at the same time achieve the goals set in the planning stage.
Controlling involves evaluating how well overall company objectives are being met.
Effective managers achieve the goals of the company through a successful combination of planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling.
First of all, an ideal company gives equal pay to men and women. It has a gym and sports facilities, a good quality canteen. It awards regular bonuses and gives fringe benefits to the employees, such as a laptop computer and a mobile phone for business and personal use. It provides opportunities for promotion and personal development, including regular trainings. It has a generous company pension scheme.
What are the aims of your business?
    How much money do you need?
    Have you made a business plan?
    When are you going to pay the money back?
    How often have you applied for any loans before?
Mentally strong people don’t let others determine their career paths. Instead, they take charge of their own lives and go wherever they want to go. But if you are not that strong you should listen to your own feelings and talk to your parents. Because what is the point of just making money if you feel miserable doing something?
You know it will sound great if our parents’ expectations are similar to our own dreams.
I believe that English is the language of the modem world. All people around the world know the importance of the English language in our life, because we need it in our work and sometimes when we meet other people from other cultures, the only way to communicate with them is to use English. We need it for traveling to other countries on business trips as well. That does not mean our language is not important. I believe all people love their languages, but the first language now in the world is English.
Let s talk about Belarus.
The life of each of us is full of "high days:" exciting days which we look forward to like school trips, visits to the circus or theatre and "holidays" which are printed red in the calendar.
I’d like to tell you about my most favourite holidays. First comes New Year. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that New Year is the greatest holiday in Belams and no other holiday is celebrated as wholeheartedly as New Year.
Throughout our country the preparations for greeting New Year start long before the 31 st of December. People send and get thousands of New Year cards, prepare presents for their families and friends and decorate their houses and a New Year tree with shining bells, colorful balls and bright lights. The tradition of decorating a New Year tree is by the way most popular with any Belarusian family. On New Year’s Eve the homes are full of great atmosphere of expectation. Air is filled with fresh smell of New Year tree and delicious smells of great variety of dishes prepared for the holiday meal. People carry on the celebration with their friends dancing, singing and making fireworks.
Then comes Christmas. Somehow it is the continuation of New Year’s mood. I enjoy Christmas holiday mood all around with its Christmas tree, decorated homes and trees, illuminations, organizing a special meal and a lot of festive foods. We exchange gifts with our relatives and friends.
Then Easter comes with its colorful eggs and very beautiful pies. There is a great ceremony at church with lit candles and songs. Churches are filled with flowers on Easter Day. Everything represents new life.
Belarusian cuisine is known for a bid choice of potato dishes and rich soups, often dressed with sour cream, as well as cold soups refreshing for the hot summer periods. Geographical position and weather conditions in Belarus resulted in a wide use of such products as forest mushrooms and berries, herbs, apples, pears, river fish and crab, milk products. It is still traditional for Belarusian families to make marinated mushrooms and vegetables based on home recipes. Cooking methods characteristic for the old traditional Belarusian cuisine are stewing and boiling.
The first meal of the day in the morning is breakfast. Some Belarusian people eat toast with butter and jam or marmalade and nothing else. Others eat a bowl of cereals or muesli with milk or porridge. Belarusian breakfast may also contain sausages, bacon, scrambled or fried egg, beans, etc. Melon, grapefruit or fruit cocktails are popular, but the most common drinks at this time of the day are orange juice or a cup of tea or coffee.
The second meal of the day in Belarus is lunch. We usually eat a bowl of soup with some slices of bread, and also a cup of tea.
Dinner is the last meal Belarusian people have. It’s a cooked meal of meat or fish and some veg. It’s common to eat desert after the main dish.
Many people in Belarus like eating draniki or pancakes with machanka, Belarusian traditional souse. It may be different in different regions. Most often it is made with pork, sausage, sliced onion, sour cream and flour.
    Did you take part in any traditional celebrations?
    What did you do ?
    Did you make any special things or clothes for the holiday?
    What holidays were your favourite?
    Did you have any family traditions?
I would recommend to see "Kupalle" because it is the most romantic and mysterious holiday. I think my British friend would be excited to jump over the fire and look for a magic fern-flower.
Kupala is the old pagan Belarusian god of the sun whose feast is at Midsummer, after the Soltice day. It is one of the most mysterious holidays in Belarus. There are a lot of legends and customs connected with this magic holiday. According to one of them there is a constant struggle between good and evil in our soul. People try to help the forces of light to defeat the evil witches. They light bonfires, dance and sing folk songs around them and young girls and boys jump over the fire, holding their hands together. Fire is believed to have a purifying effect, cleaning off sins. Another attribute of the Kupala feast is girls making wreaths of wild flowers and wear them on heads and then, at dawn, throwing them into the river or lake and letting them float. And one of the main moments of celebration is the search for a magic fern-flower which blossoms only one night a year and is believed to bring happiness.
Yes, I am proud of our national traditions; they are unique and make us feel a little bit different from other nationalities. For example, the celebration of "Kupalle" is romantic and mysterious. When we celebrate Victory Day I feel proud of our people who went through great difficulties and showed courage and heroism.
Let’s talk about any Enlglish-speaking country.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand are English speaking countries. They are situated in different parts of the world and differ in many ways. The nature of these countries, their weather and climate and way of life of their people differ. Each country has its own history, customs, traditions, its own national holidays. But they all share a common language. English is the language of the people who left England to make their names in new countries. But I would like to tell you about The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
To understand fully any country’s political system, one needs to understand something of its history. This is especially true of the United Kingdom because its history has been very different from most other nations and, as a result, its political system is very different from most other nations too.
We probably need to start with the year of 1066, when William the Conqueror from Normandy invaded what we now call England, defeated the Anglo-Saxon King Harold and established a Norman dynasty. The Normans were not satisfied with conquering England and, over the next few centuries, tried to conquer Ireland, Wales and Scotland. They succeeded with the first two and failed with the last despite several wars over the centuries.
The UK is a parliamentary monarchy and the Queen is the head of the state. But in practice it is ruled by the elected government with the Prime Minister at the head. The UK Parliament in London is at the heart of the political system in Britain and is the legislative body for the UK and British overseas territories. Parliament has two legislative parliamentary bodies, the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The Prime Minister now is Theresa May, the leader of the Conservative Party. The Prime Minister’s Office is at Downing Street, 10.
The House of Commons is the lower chamber but the one with the most authority. The Commons is chaired by the Speaker. Each of the 650 members in the House of Commons represents a geographical constituency.
The House of Lords is the upper chamber but the one with less authority. Its members are not elected and appointed by the Queen on the advice of the Prime Minster. The House of Commons consists of democratically elected Members of Parliament from various different political parties. Elections are held every five years. There is no fixed number of members in the House of Lords, but currently there are 826 members.
Today there are four major political parties in the British parliamentary system, the Conservative Party, the Labour Party, the Scottish National Party and the Liberal Democrat Party.
Great Britain is a highly developed industrial country. It is known as one of the world’s largest producers and exporters of iron and steel products, machinery and electronics, chemicals and textile. One of the industries is shipbuilding.
Great Britain is a country with old cultural traditions and customs. The most famous educational centres are Oxford and Cambridge universities. They are considered to be the intellectual centres of Europe. The education is not free, it is very expensive.
London is the capital of the UK, the greatest town and port on the British Isles. It’s a political, economic and commercial centre. London is one of the largest cities in the world. Its population is more than 8 million people. It’s more than 2 thousand years old. London is worth sightseeing. The West End is famous for its beautiful monuments and palaces, fine parks, fashionable shops and big hotels. The East End is quite different from the West End. It’s the district of factories, plants and docks. The narrow streets and poor houses present contrast to the homes of the rich people in the West End.
Sightseeing tours in London usually start in Trafalgar Square. There is the Nelson’s Column in the centre of the square. From Trafalgar Square you can go along down Whitehall and see the Houses of Parliament with Big Ben. Behind there is the Thames and Westminster Bridge. Buckingham Palace attracts attention, as well. It’s the royal residence. Westminster Abbey is famous for the memorials of many great people of Britain. The Tower of London was a fortress, a royal residence, a prison and now it is a museum. London is famous for its green parks. The greatest is Hyde Park (with the famous Poet’s Comer there). London is the centre of the country’s cultural life. There are many picture galleries and museums there. The National Gallery houses a priceless collection of paintings. The British Museum is the most famous in the world. In London we can meet the past and the present, the old and the modem. It’s a city of contrasts and no doubts it’s amazing to see and enjoy every masterpiece in architecture and art.
To begin with I’d like to point out that British customs and traditions are famous all over the world. When people think of Britain, they often think of people drinking tea, eating fish and chips, colorful royal ceremonies, soldiers in strange uniforms. In Britain customs and traditions play a more important part in the life of people than in other countries. The British are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them up.
The British celebrate such public holidays as Christmas, Easter Monday, May Day, the Spring Bank Holiday, and The Summer Bank Holiday.
Besides public holidays there are other festivals, such as Pancake Day, April Fool’s day, Halloween, Guy Fawkes night, St Valentine’s Day and others. I’d like to describe some of them.
    Which holiday do you enjoy celebrating?
    Is it a family holiday or a national one?
    What traditions are connected with it?
    How do you participate in celebrating?
    What part of the holiday do you like most?
Foreigners often say that food in Britain is uninteresting and plain, noting fancy, it lacks originality and excellence. But British food is not as bad as some people think. There are many enjoyable dishes which can please even a demanding eater. Fish and chips is a popular and relatively inexpensive British dish. Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding is a traditional English family lunch on Sunday. Apple pie is a favourite sweet in England.
A special place in the life of the British is occupied by tea. They are the world’s greatest tea drinkers. They drink a quarter of all the tea grown in the world each year.
I guess it will be exciting to visit any of the British holidays to see the culture with your own eyes. But, to my mind, it will be interesting to see Halloween. It is a holiday annually celebrated on 31 October. People often dress up as skeletons, ghosts or other scary figures. Common symbols of Halloween include pumpkins, bats and spiders. Some children go trick-or- treating. This means that they dress up and go to other peoples’ houses, knocking on the door for treat of sweets or a snack. Those who do not give out a treat may be tricked with a joke instead.
Let s talk about national character and stereotypes.
Belarusian traditions and features of the national character were formed in the course of complex history. The country was engulfed by many military conflicts, World Wars, national liberation revolts, revolutions and repressions. So our extraordinary history cultivated special character traits of our people, the main of them are tolerance and diligence.
Different from anyone else, Belarusians are able to adapt to any circumstances — not to change the circumstances but to change themselves, to accept these circumstances, to live them naturally, in harmony and even with pleasure.
The second aspect of the Belarusian character is that a Belarusian holds tight to what he has gained. He regards the external world with little trust.
At the same time, in the view of Belarusians themselves, they are loved and respected by everyone. People turn to Belarusians for help and support, because they know that a Belarusian will always be responsive and helpful. Belarusian people always enjoy receiving guests and are perfect at this. This tradition is alive today.
To sum up, Belarusian features of character are tolerance and a lack of temper. Belarusians are kind, soft, soulful, hard-working and hospitable. But at the same time they are they are reserved, not very jolly and rather pessimistic.
New Belarusians are rather inclined to intellectual jobs. They earn their living by using brains rather than by digging the soil. The young generation has more Belarusian identity than the Soviet generation. New Belarusians express more interest in their roots and history. Many Belarusians, both young and old, are fond of gardening very much.
The United States has often been called a melting pot. This term refers to the idea that the country is a place where people from many lands have come together and formed a unified culture. Americans have many things in common. For example, the vast majority of them speak English, and people throughout the country dress similarly and eat many of the same kinds of foods.
At the center of all that Americans value is freedom. Americans commonly regard their society as the freest and best in the world. Americans’ understanding of freedom is shaped by the Founding Fathers’ belief that all people are equal and that the role of government is to protect each person’s basic rights.
Americans’ notion of freedom focuses on the individual. Individualism, understood not only as self-reliance but also as economic self-sufficiency, has been a central theme in American history.
Volunteerism is the soul of American community and political life. Volunteerism means people helping people through privately-initiated, rather than government-sponsored, agencies. Volunteers, usually unpaid, are highly motivated workers who organize themselves and others to solve a particular community problem or meet an immediate social need, rather than waiting for someone else to do it. The willingness to participate in such groups is so widespread that six out of ten Americans are members of a volunteer organization. Volunteerism reflects Americans’ optimistic pride in their ability to work out practical solutions themselves.
As a nation of immigrants, Americans have from the beginning shared the assumption that the practical solution to a problem is to move elsewhere and make a fresh start. Mobility in America is not a sign of aimlessness but optimism. Americans move from place to place with the sense of optimism, hoping to secure a better job or enjoy climate.
Moving about from place to place is such a common and accepted practice that most Americans take it for granted that they may live in four or five cities during their lifetime, perhaps buying a house and then reselling it each time they move. The American habit of mobility has been important in contributing a degree of homogeneity to a society of such extreme cultural diversity and spaciousness. Cultural differences still exist from region to region, but they are becoming increasingly less distinct as mutual exchange occurs.
     What are the main national characteristics of Americans?
     What are the specific qualities of the American national character?
     Do Americans feel patriotic?
     What is their favourite sport?
     What stereotypes connected with Americans do you know?
First of all, learn sport jargon
Americans love using idioms, especially sport phrases like "home run" or "slam dunk" when something goes really well. Another popular phrase is "taking a rain check," which comes from baseball when it rains and the game has to be postponed. These phrases are used a lot in business and in casual conversations.
Get comfortable with informality
Things are much less formal in America. Americans like being comfortable and relaxed, but that does not mean they are being disrespectful.
It is very common to call people you work for or your colleagues by their first name. One of the exceptions is teachers in school usually use Mr. or Mrs. Avoid confrontation
Americans do not like confrontation. They do not want to hurt anybody’s feelings, so they are very careful about how they say things. Americans avoid directly criticizing or opposing anyone. It would be considered very rude if someone just said, "you’re wrong" to someone else.
If you want someone to do something, you would always be very polite about it and avoid commands.
Get comfortable with interruptions
Although Americans believe being polite is very important, it is very normal for Americans to interrupt each other when they have something to contribute. It’s usually not that rude in American conversation especially with a good friend.
Give lots of compliments
Americans give a lot of compliments — all the time. It’s a popular way of building relationships with other people or just being nice. Even with strangers or people you don’t know very well, it is common to give a compliment.
The term "American Dream," used in widely different contexts from political speeches to Broadway musicals, eludes precise definition.
J. T. Adams in The Epic of America (1931) expressed it as "the dream of a land in which life should be better, richer, and fuller for every man with opportunities for each according to his abilities and achievement." The "American Dream" is popularized in countless rags-to-riches stories and in the portrayal of the good life in advertising and on TV shows. It teaches Americans to believe that contentment can be reached through the virtues of thrift, hard work, family loyalty, and faith in the free enterprise system.
However, throughout America’s history, reality has also taught her citizens, particularly minorities, that the "American Dream" is not open to all. Segregation and discrimination are effective tools which have barred minorities from equal opportunities in all spheres.
Let’s talk about youth and society.
It’s about time somebody exploded that old myth about childhood being the happiest period of your life. Childhood may certainly be fairly happy, but even the greatest moments can’t be compared with the sheer joy of being an adult. Mostly adults choose the clothes their children wear, the books to read, the friends to have. Mother and father are kindly but dictators. This is an adult world and though children may be deeply loved, they have to be manipulated so as not to interfere too seriously with the lives of their elders. The essential difference between manhood and childhood is the same as the difference between independence and subjection.
Think of the years at school: the years spent living in constant fear of exams and school reports. Every movement you make, every thought you think is observed by some critical adult who may draw unflattering conclusions about your character. Think of the times you have to go to bed early, do as you are told, eat the stuff that is supposed to be good for you. Remember how "gentle" pressure is applied with remarks like "if you don’t do as I say, I’ll ..." and a dire warning will follow.
No matter how kind and loving adults may be, children often suffer from terrible, illogical fears which are the result of ignorance and an inability to understand the world around them. Teenagers may rebel violently against parental authority, but this causes them great unhappiness. There is a complete lack of self-confidence during this time. Adolescents are over-conscious of their appearance and the impression they make on others. They feel shy, awkward and clumsy. They look at the world with fresh eyes; everything is new and unspoilt for them. Feelings are intense and hearts are easily broken. Teenagers experience moments of tremendous elation or black despair. And through this turmoil, adults seem to be more hostile than ever.
What a relief is to grow up! Suddenly you regain your balance; the world opens up before you. You are free to choose; you have your own place to live in and your own money to spend. You don’t have to seek constant approval for everything you do. You are no longer teased, punished or ridiculed by heartless adults because you failed to come up to some theoretical standard. And if on occasion you are teased, you know how to deal with it.
Youth is a very important period in the life of man. This is the time when a person discovers the world and tries to determine the place in the universe. Young people face lots of problems which are very important for them and do not differ much from those that once their parents had to deal with. At the same time every generation is unique. It differs from the one that preceded it in its experience, ideals and a system of values.
The adults always complain that the young are not what they were. These words are repeated from generation to generation. To some extent they are true, because every new generation grows up quicker, enjoys more freedom. It is better educated and benefits from the results of the technological progress of the time.
Moreover, the young look forward and the old people look backward. The adult always teach the young how to live. They apply old standards to the new way of life. The past is hanging over them preventing them from appreciating the things around them anew. The young think that the adults have lost touch with everything that is important in life.
Young people of today do not directly accept the standards of their parents who believe that they are right because they are older. The adults don’t want their values to be questioned. The young on the other hand cannot accept the values of their "fathers." All these differences generate a generation gap when the young and adult do not understand one another. Generation gap means difference in attitude, or lack of understanding between younger and older generation.
    Are there many youth organizations in Belarus?
    What should you do to become a member of any of them?
    Does everyone have a chance to participate in their activities?
    What are the benefits of being a member of youth organizations?
    Whatfamous people of your country are active members of youth organizations?
The life of the young is frequently determined by the adults. It seems that parents will never understand their children. And children, in their turn, shock their parents with their dress, language, behaviour. The existence of subculture which is specific for every generation is a form of protest of the young people against the values of the adults. Belonging to a subculture is often about exploring who you are and what you stand for. All young people need to feel validated and valued. Though it can be challenging for parents, but it isn’t unusual and can be a passing phase.
As a parent, you need to encourage healthy habits — including exercise — in your youngsters. Physical activity should become as a routine, a part of their lives, as eating and sleeping.
Educate others. Be a health advocate for people. Help them start doing sports.
Stop saying, start doing. Get involved and stay involved in the process. Do sports yourself.
Lead by an example. Participate in any sports events. Sports such as cycling, swimming, basketball, jogging, walking briskly, cross country skiing, dancing, aerobics, and soccer, played regularly, are not only fun but can promote health.
Support scientific medical research to find out different diseases and treatment for them.
Having a healthy lifestyle is important because it helps a person to control weight, boost energy, improve his mood, combat disease and live long, staying healthy means thinking positively and focusing on gratitude. Having happy people around is the basis of any community.
Let’s talk about education.
Education is the main people’s wealth and lots of them consider it the sense of living. They get education from early childhood and leam until their hair is grey. To my mind, education plays an important role in people’s lives, that’s why a great attention is paid to it.
Education in Belarus is free and compulsory from age 6 to 15 and the system is well administered. The academic year begins on the 1st of September and lasts till the end of May. It is divided into 4 terms and has 4 vocation periods: autumn, winter, spring and summer ones. There are two official languages within the education system in Belarus: Russian and Belarusian.
From age 6 to 10 children attend primary school where they receive a basic grounding in literacy and numeracy.
When students enter senior secondary school level they may remain in the academic stream for 2 years at schools or gymnasiums or they may attend vocational classes at lyceums for 2 years. Also they may train at a strictly practical level at colleges and obtain a trade.
Belarusian higher education is ranked among the best ones, and the Belarusian specialists are much in demand in the world. Therefore, both our citizens and foreign students wish to study in the higher educational establishments (Universities) of the Republic. University graduates can obtain Bachelor’s degree of Science.
After university graduation young specialists have an opportunity to continue postgraduate education with different Master’s programs. Also training of the scientific personnel with highest qualifications is conducted with granting scientific degrees of Candidate and Doctor of Science.
Computers have changed the way we work, it occurs in any profession you can obtain.
Computers aid industrial processes; they find applications in medicine; they are the heart of the software industry; they play a vital role in education. The computer facilitates education, making it much easier for the student to learn, for the teacher to teach, and to organize the administrative part of the education process. Computer education forms a part of the school and college curriculum, as it is important for every individual today, to have the basic knowledge of computers. The advantages of computers in education include an efficient storage and performance of information, quick information processing and the saving of paper usage.
Online education has revolutionized the education industry. The computer technology has made the dream of distant learning a reality. So, as you can see, I’m more pro computer usage. To my mind, it has more advantages and moreover it is absolutely necessary nowadays.
    What problems did you have when you were a pupil?
    Were you lazy or hardworking?
    Did you have any favourite subjects?
    Did you get bad marks? How did you feel?
    Did you miss your classes without any serious reason?
It is easier to advise than to follow when you feel nervous, but anyway try not to panic, try to stay calm so that you could concentrate on learning.
Find a suitable place to work. Your desk, the kitchen table, the library, a cafe, but wherever works for you and be prepared to stay there. Stay away from your bed, however as it will increase the likelihood of accidental napping.
Get rid of fun distractions. Do what you have to make yourself concentrate. Put your phone in another room. Turn off the Wi-Fi. Work on paper. If you need to fact check something online, start a list to look up later.
Harder than it seems, this. Really MAKE yourself work.
If you get stuck, don’t stress. Make a note and you can come back to it later.
Snacks and food: your brain needs food to LIVE and LEARN! If you’re staying up all night have something substantial and quick.
Have a little study break listening to some music or stroking your cat. Don’t start feeling like the walls are closing in around you.
Sleep is for the weak, right? WRONG. You will perform much the next day if you brain has a chance to rest.
Look over your notes on the bus and staying calm as much as you can, walk to the exam hall.
I don’t think that it is true. We experience some problems at school, but our parents had the same problems as well. The problems are the same: low marks, bad behaviour, much homework. There is nothing new. We shouldn’t complain to everyone about them. We had better learn how to cope with them on our own.
Let’s talk about tourism.
On the positive side, tourism provides employment for local inhabitants. What is more, the extra income means that local councils have more money to spend on expanding and improving their facilities, thus making them better for both visitors and residents. On the other hand, tourism can do a great deal of harm. For example, pollution is caused both by the increase in traffic and the litter that visitors leave behind.
Fortunately, there is one form of tourism which is completely environmentally friendly. It’s called ecotourism. Ecotourism is a form of tourism involving visiting fragile, pristine and relatively undisturbed natural areas intended as a low-impact alternative to standard commercial mass tourism. In other words, it is organized holidays that are designed so that the tourists damage the environment as little as possible, especially when some of the money they pay is used to protect local natural wealth.
Being a traveller is more than just being a holidaymaker. A holiday is just a short time away, and it normally involves relaxation. Tourists stay in holiday resorts, not travellers. Travellers go for the experience and their journeys are usually much longer and more challenging. Travellers tend to avoid tourist traps and like to go off the beaten track to discover new places. Travel is an age-old phenomenon, but tourism is a relatively recent invention.
     How often do you travel?
     What countries have you visited?
     What’s your favoutire means of travelling?
     What are the advantages of package holidays?
     What places would you like to be back to?
Find a Group or Club to Hike With (The fastest way to become a good hiker is to hike with other people because it’s fun and motivating.)
Find Comfortable Hiking Footwear
Buy a Local Guidebook and a Waterproof Map
Hike a Short Distance
Camp at an Established Campsite
Camp Near Other People
Plan Simple Meals
Practice Pitching Your Tent at Home before Your Trip Postpone your Trip if it’s Going to Rain (additional troubles: pitching a tent in the rain and packing it up wet, cooking food in the rain, and drying your wet gear).
Minimize the Amount of Gear You Bring (bring some comfort items and a first aid kit along on your first trips).
Look up Backcountry Regulations Before You Go (Do you need to filter your water? Do you have to pay a fee for using a tent site? Is there a privy at the tent site or will you need to dig a cat hole? Are campfires or open flames permitted? Are there restrictions on where you can camp?)
Take good mood with you on a hike!
The most interesting way of spending holidays is travelling. First of all it is necessary to choose your destination. Then you may plan your route and a type of transport. Nowadays there are a lot of travel agencies which will help you to arrange everything in no time. Package holidays are very popular among holidaymakers because it’s very convenient. You don’t have to worry about such things as where to sleep, what to eat and what sights to see.

Казючиц Галина Евгеньевна
Скок Вера Анатольевна
Устные темы
для подготовки к обязательному
выпускному экзамену по английскому языку
11 класс
Пособие для учащихся учреждений общего среднего образования
с русским и белорусским языками обучения
Компьютерная верстка Н. А. Красковская
Корректор А. В. Бондаренко
Дизайн обложки А. В. Бондаренко
Подписано в печать 12.03.2018. Формат 60 х 90 Бумага офсетная. Печать офсетная. Уел. печ. л. 3,5. Уч.-изд. л. 2,46. Тираж 2000 экз. Заказ 180258
Издательское частное унитарное предприятие «Экоперспектива».
Свидетельство о государственной регистрации издателя, изготовителя,
распространителя печатных изданий № 1/199 от 20.02.2014.
Ул. Рыбалко, 9, оф. 22,220033, г. Минск.
Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «Типография Фидрик».
Свидетельство о государственной регистрации издателя, изготовителя
и распространителя печатных изданий № 2/193 от 03.02.2017.
Ул. Стебенева, 12а, пом. 13, 220024, г. Минск

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  6. Магазин питания для спорта, официальный интернет-сайт которого доступен по адресу: SportsNutrition-24.Com, реализует огромный выбор товаров, которые принесут пользу и достижения как проф спортсменам, так и любителям. Интернет-магазин осуществляет свою деятельность большой промежуток времени, предоставляя клиентам со всей России качественное спортивное питание, а также витамины и особые препараты - https://sportsnutrition-24.com/vitaminy-i-mineraly/. Спортпит представляет собой категорию товаров, которая призвана не только лишь улучшить спортивные заслуги, но и благоприятно влияет на здоровье организма. Схожее питание вводится в ежедневный рацион с целью получения микро- и макроэлементов, витаминов, аминокислот и белков, а помимо этого многих других недостающих веществ. Не секрет, что организм спортсмена в процессе наращивания мышечной массы и адаптации к повышенным нагрузкам, остро нуждается в должном количестве полезных веществ. При этом, даже правильное питание и употребление растительной, а помимо этого животной пищи - не гарантирует того, что организм получил необходимые аминокислоты или белки. Чего нельзя сказать о качественном спортивном питании. Об ассортименте товаров Интернет-магазин "SportsNutrition-24.Com" реализует качественную продукцию, которая прошла ряд проверок и получила сертификаты качества. Посетив магазин, клиенты смогут найти себе товары из следующих категорий: - L-карнитинг (Л-карнитин) представляет собой вещество, схожее витамину B, синтез которого осуществляется в организме; - гейнеры, представляющие собой, белково-углеводные консистенции; - BCAA - средства, содержащие в собственном составе три важнейшие аминокислоты, стимулирующие рост мышечной массы; - протеин - чистый белок, употреблять который вы можете в виде коктейлей; - разнообразные аминокислоты; - а помимо этого ряд многих других товаров (нитробустеры, жиросжигатели, особые препараты, хондропротекторы, бустеры гормона роста, тестобустеры и многое другое). Об оплате и доставке Интернет-магазин "SportsNutrition-24.Com" предлагает большое обилие товаров, которое в полной мере способно удовлетворить проф и начинающих атлетов, включая любителей. Большой опыт дозволил организации сделать связь с крупнейшими поставщиками и производителями спортивного питания, что позволило сделать политику цен гибкой, а цены - демократичными! К примеру, аминокислоты либо гейнер приобрести можно по стоимости, которая на 10-20% ниже, чем у конкурентов. Оплата возможна как наличным, так и безналичным расчетом. Магазин предлагает широкий выбор способов оплаты, включая оплату разными электронными платежными системами, а кроме этого дебетовыми и кредитными картами. Главный офис фирмы расположен в Санкт-Петербурге, но доставка товаров осуществляется во все населенные пункты РФ. Кроме самовывоза, получить товар вы можете с помощью любой транспортной компании, выбрать которую каждый клиент может в индивидуальном порядке.

  7. Магазин спортивного питания, официальный сайт которого доступен по адресу: SportsNutrition-24.Com, реализует обширный ассортимент спортивного питания, которые принесут пользу и достижения как проф спортсменам, так и любителям. Интернет-магазин производит свою деятельность уже большое количество лет, предоставляя клиентам со всей Рф высококачественное питание для спорта, а также витамины и специальные препараты - https://sportsnutrition-24.com/nitrobustery/. Спортпит представляет собой категорию продуктов, которая призвана не только лишь улучшить спортивные заслуги, да и благоприятно влияет на здоровье организма. Подобное питание вводится в ежедневный рацион с целью получения микро- и макроэлементов, витаминов, аминокислот и белков, а помимо этого многих других недостающих веществ. Не секрет, что организм спортсмена в процессе наращивания мышечной массы и адаптации к повышенным нагрузкам, остро нуждается в должном количестве полезных веществ. При всем этом, даже правильное питание и употребление растительной, а кроме этого животной пищи - не гарантирует того, что организм получил нужные аминокислоты или белки. Чего нельзя сказать о высококачественном спортивном питании. Об ассортименте товаров Интернет-магазин "SportsNutrition-24.Com" продает качественную продукцию, которая прошла ряд проверок и получила сертификаты качества. Посетив магазин, клиенты смогут получить для себя товары из следующих категорий: - L-карнитинг (Л-карнитин) представляет собой вещество, родственное витамину B, синтез которого осуществляется в организме; - гейнеры, представляющие из себя, белково-углеводные консистенции; - BCAA - средства, содержащие в своем составе три важные аминокислоты, стимулирующие рост мышечной массы; - протеин - чистый белок, употреблять который можно в виде коктейлей; - всевозможные аминокислоты; - а помимо этого ряд других товаров (нитробустеры, жиросжигатели, специальные препараты, хондропротекторы, бустеры гормона роста, тестобустеры и многое другое). Об оплате и доставке Интернет-магазин "SportsNutrition-24.Com" предлагает большое разнообразие товаров, которое в полной мере способно удовлетворить профессиональных и начинающих любителей спорта, включая любителей. Большой опыт позволил компании сделать связь с наикрупнейшими поставщиками и производителями спортивного питания, что позволило сделать ценовую политику гибкой, а цены - демократичными! Например, аминокислоты либо гейнер купить можно по цене, которая на 10-20% ниже, чем у конкурентов. Оплата возможна как наличным, так и безналичным расчетом. Магазин предлагает огромный выбор способов оплаты, включая оплату различными электронными платежными системами, а кроме этого дебетовыми и кредитными картами. Главный офис компании расположен в Санкт-Петербурге, но доставка товаров осуществляется во все населенные пункты РФ. Помимо самовывоза, получить товар можно при помощи любой транспортной организации, найти которую каждый клиент может в индивидуальном порядке.

  8. Консоли от компании Microsoft не сразу захватили всемирную известность и доверие игроков. Первая консоль под названием Xbox, вышедшая в далеком 2001 году, существенно уступала PlayStation 2 по количеству проданных приставок. Однако все поменялось с выходом Xbox 360 - консоли седьмого поколения, которая стала по-настоящему "народной" для обитателей Рф и государств СНГ - игры на xbox 360. Веб-сайт Ru-Xbox.Ru является пользующимся популярностью ресурсом среди поклонников приставки, так как он предлагает игры для Xbox 360, которые поддерживают все имеющиеся версии прошивок - совсем бесплатно! Зачем играть на оригинальном железе, если есть эмуляторы? Для Xbox 360 игры выходили длительное время и представлены как посредственными проектами, так и хитами, многие из которых даже сейчас остаются уникальными для это консоли. Некие гости, желающие сыграть в игры для Xbox 360, смогут задать вопрос: для чего необходимы игры для прошитых Xbox 360 freeboot либо различными версиями LT, в случае если есть эмулятор? Рабочий эмулятор Xbox 360 хоть и существует, однако он просит производительного ПК, для покупки которого будет нужно вложить существенную сумму. К тому же, разнообразные артефакты в виде исчезающих текстур, отсутствия некоторых графических эффектов и освещения - смогут значительно попортить впечатления об игре и отбить желание для ее предстоящего прохождения. Что предлагает этот портал? Наш интернет-сайт полностью посвящен играм для приставки Xbox 360. У нас вы можете совсем бесплатно и без регистрации скачать игры на Xbox 360 через torrent для следующих версий прошивок консоли: - FreeBoot; - LT 3.0; - LT 2.0; - LT 1.9. Каждая прошивка имеет свои особенности обхода встроенной защиты. Поэтому, для запуска той либо другой игры будет нужно скачать специальную ее версию, которая на сто процентов приспособлена под одну из четырех вышеперечисленных прошивок. На нашем сайте можно без усилий найти желаемый проект под нужную прошивку, так как возле каждой игры присутствует название версии (FreeBoot, LT 3.0/2.0/1.9), под которую она приспособлена. Геймерам данного ресурса доступна особая категория игр для 360-го, предназначенных для Kinect - специального дополнения, которое считывает все движения одного или нескольких игроков, и позволяет управлять с помощью их компьютерными персонажами. Большой выбор ПО Кроме возможности скачать игры на Xbox 360 Freeboot либо LT разных версий, тут вы можете получить программное обеспечение для консоли от Майкрософт: - разнообразные версии Dashboard, которые позволяют кастомизировать интерфейс консоли под свои нужды, сделав его более удобным и нынешним; - браузеры; - просмотрщики файлов; - сохранения для игр; - темы для консоли; - программы, для конвертации образов и записи их на диск. Помимо перечисленного выше игры на Xbox 360 Freeboot вы можете запускать не с дисковых, а с USB и многих других носителей, используя программу x360key, которую можно достать на нашем сайте. Гостям доступно множество нужных статей, а кроме этого форум, где вы можете пообщаться с единомышленниками или попросить совета у более опытнейших хозяев консоли.

  9. Наш интернет-сайт рассказывает о новостях бокса и ММА. Читатель узнает о ближайших и прошедших боях - рейтинг бойцов ufc. Эксперты делятся своими прогнозами на ближайшие события, проводят разбор окончившихся поединков. Можно прочитать интервью со известными бойцами и их тренерами. Новости ММА, бокса Все предстоящие и прошедшие бои освещаются с подробным разбором, анализом и комментариями спортивных профессионалов. Подписавшись на Octagon, вы будете в курсе всех событий в области боевых искусств. Самые достойные внимания, запоминающиеся бои без правил в нашем видеоконтенте. Ознакомьтесь с выводами, разбором захватывающих моментов поединков. События, расписание, видео В разделе указано расписание предстоящих боев. Даты, время начала боя вы можете посмотреть на интернет-сайте. Предлагается просмотр видео самых увлекательных моментов схваток. Кто не хочет заниматься скучным чтением, может изучить видео прогноз. Легкая, юмористическая подача инфы очень просто воспринимается и усваивается у подписчиков. Видеоряд постоянно обновляется, предлагается только качественный контент. Биографии, рейтинги боксеров Предоставлены полные биографии знаменитостей, рейтинг UFC. Вы узнаете, каким был путь героя к покорению Олимпа. Приводятся все весовые характеристики атлетов. Предоставляется информация о самочувствии боксера до и после поединка. Проводится разборка стиля и техники бойцов. Octagon.express предлагает только полностью достоверную информацию. На нашем сайте вы ознакомитесь и узнаете о всех тонкостях смешанных боевых искусств. Точные прогнозы, достоверные рейтинги - наше главное кредо. Подписавшись на Telegram канал, вы будете в курсе всех новостей боевых искусств. Все последние бои UFC не ускользнут от вас.

  10. Портал Mostbethit.net предлагает посетителям ближе познакомиться с одноименной БК. Интернет-ресурс посвящен описанию основных преимуществ конторы. На проекте пользователи узнают другие важные моменты - Мостбет легальные ставки на спорт. Букмекерская контора для продвижения зеркальных ссылок использует партнерские сайты. Одним из таких ресурсов стал описываемый проект. На страницах портала посетители найдут: - ссылки на зеркала букмекера; - описание БК; - правила работы с конторой; - особенности бонусной политики; - действующие промокоды; - описание способов пополнения баланса; - анализ отзывов о букмекере; - консультации для создания аккаунта. Проект предлагает детальный «разбор» оператора ставок. Регистрация для использования не нужна. Гость может свободно переходить по разделам, получать информацию. Языковая доступность - плюс онлайн-сайта. Русскоязычная версия открывается по умолчанию. Пользователь может установить любой из 23 доступных языков. Описания на портале детальные. Разработчики попытались отметить каждый нюанс. Для улучшения пользовательского восприятия тексты снабжены скриншотами. Информативность максимальная. Предложенные на проекте ссылки направят игроков на действующее зеркало БК. Это обеспечивает круглосуточный доступ к конторе. Об использовании VPN и многих других методов обхода санкций Роскомнадзора удается забыть. Ссылки на дублирующий сайт Мостбет предложены на каждой странице. Долго находить действующие адреса не придется. Разработчики выпустили мобильную версию интернет-сайта. Проект оптимизирован под девайсы с разной диагональю дисплея. Пользоваться ресурсом удобно со смартфонов и планшетов. Онлайн-портал не предлагает спортивных ставок и иных азартных развлечений. Закрыть веб-сайт регулятор не может. В итоге ресурс обеспечивает круглосуточный доступ к БК.

  11. Наш онлайн-кинотеатр предлагает своим зрителям окунуться в мир интересных турецких телесериалов. Онлайн-портал предлагает широкий каталог многосерийных кинофильмов на любой вкус, а основное, все они имеют русское озвучивание. Мы регулярно пополняем медиатеку, для того чтобы нашему гостю не приходилось искать новинки на сторонних ресурсах - новые турецкие сериалы. Что предлагает онлайн-кинотеатр своим гостям? - Полное отсутствие рекламы. Ничего не сможет отвлечь от игры любимых актеров! - Постоянные обновления каталога. Теперь вы не пропустите новинки турецкого кинематографа! - Качественное озвучивание - долой русско-турецкий словарь! - Возможность смотреть киносериалы на самых разных устройствах. Дорога на работу теперь станет увлекательной и интересной! - Удобство просмотра. Наш видеопроигрыватель может приостановить только низкая скорость интернет-соединения. Портал турецких телесериалов создан специально для тех, кто всегда находится в поиске ресурсов, позволяющих смотреть зарубежные многосерийные киноленты без ограничений. Сейчас в вашем распоряжении огромное количество кинофильмов с хорошим качеством изображения и русским переводом. Начать просмотр можно любому гостю онлайн-сайта без каких-то ограничений. Но мы все же рекомендуем вам пройти минутную регистрацию - это позволит вам создавать закладки, оставлять комменты и дискуссировать просмотренные картины с другими пользователями портала. А если вы только начали знакомство с турецкими сериалами, сделать выбор в пользу той или иной фильмы поможет короткая аннотация. Погрузится в мир головокружительной любви, трагических встреч, кровопролитной вражды и небезопасных игр с самой судьбой поможет наш онлайн-кинотеатр сериалов из Турции. Приятного просмотра и положительных эмоций!

  12. Ставки на спорт с каждым днем становятся все популярнее. У беттеров (игроков на ставках) из Узбекистана появилась возможность делать ставки в государственной валюте на сайте - регистрация Mostbet в Узбекистане. При регистрации в этой букмекерской конторе гость выбирает игровую валюту - узбекский сум, российский рубль, доллар или евро. Всего доступно 19 валют! Играть на портале сумеют не только лишь жители Узбекистана, ресурс переведен на 25 языков. Ставки на спорт На портале Мостбет можно сделать ставки на все главные события мира спорта - футбол, баскетбол, хоккей, волейбол, теннис и другие, включая зимние виды спорта, легкую атлетику и единоборства. Для того, что бы делать ставки требуется пройти функцию регистрации, которая займет менее 5 минут. Для гостей этой букмекерской конторы доступны ставки до матча (прематч) и в режиме реального времени (Live). Казино В Мостбет можно так же сыграть в азартные игры - карты, рулетку и слоты (игровые автоматы с вращающимися барабанами). Слотов очень много - на любой вкус, от классических вишенок-клубничек до современного софта с несколькими игровыми полями и бонусными раундами. На Мостбет у игроков единый счет для ставок и для казино. Приложение на интернет-сайте Мостбет вы можете загрузить приложение для игры с мобильных устройств - планшетов и смартфонов под управлением операционной системы Андроид и iOS. Ссылка для скачивания этих программ находится в самом верху главной странички. На веб-сайте вы можете подробно ознакомится с отзывами игроков. В случае если есть проблема со входом на портал, то на странице «Зеркало» можно выяснить об других методах входа, в случае блокировки ресурса. Для связи с гостями действует онлайн чат, в котором можно задать любой интересующий вопрос техническим консультантам букмекерской конторы.

  13. Ставки на спорт с каждым днем становятся все популярнее. У беттеров (игроков на ставках) из Узбекистана появилась возможность делать ставки в национальной валюте на сайте - ставки на спорт в Таджикистане. При регистрации в этой букмекерской конторе пользователь выбирает игровую валюту - узбекский сум, русский рубль, доллар или евро. Всего доступно 19 валют! Играть на портале сумеют не только лишь жители Узбекистана, ресурс переведен на 25 языков. Ставки на спорт На интернет-сайте Мостбет можно сделать ставки на все ключевые события мира спорта - футбол, баскетбол, хоккей, волейбол, теннис и прочие, включая зимние виды спорта, легкую атлетику и единоборства. Для того, что бы делать ставки следует пройти функцию регистрации, которая займет не более 5 минут. Для клиентов этой букмекерской конторы доступны ставки до матча (прематч) и в режиме реального времени (Live). Казино В Мостбет можно так же сыграть в азартные игры - карты, рулетку и слоты (игровые автоматы с вращающимися барабанами). Слотов очень много - на любой вкус, от традиционных вишенок-клубничек до современного софта с несколькими игровыми полями и бонусными раундами. На Мостбет у игроков единый счет для ставок и для казино. Приложение на портале Мостбет можно загрузить приложение для игры с мобильных устройств - планшетов и смартфонов под управлением операционной системы Андроид и iOS. Ссылка для скачивания этих программ находится в самом верху главной страницы. На веб-сайте можно внимательно ознакомиться с отзывами игроков. Если имеется проблема со входом на интернет-сайт, то в разделе «Зеркало» можно выяснить об других способах входа, в случаях блокировки ресурса. Для связи с пользователями действует онлайн чат, в каком можно задать любой интересующий вопрос техническим консультантам букмекерской конторы.

  14. Ставки на спорт с каждым днем становятся все популярнее. У беттеров (игроков на ставках) из Узбекистана появилась возможность делать ставки в государственной валюте на веб-сайте - ставки на спорт в Киргизии. При регистрации в этой букмекерской конторе пользователь выбирает игровую валюту - узбекский сум, российский рубль, доллар или евро. Всего доступно 19 валют! Играть на интернет-сайте смогут не только лишь жители Узбекистана, ресурс переведен на 25 языков. Ставки на спорт На портале Мостбет можно сделать ставки на все главные события мира спорта - футбол, баскетбол, хоккей, волейбол, теннис и другие, включая зимние виды спорта, легкую атлетику и единоборства. Для того, что бы делать ставки необходимо пройти функцию регистрации, которая займет не более 5 минут. Для гостей этой букмекерской конторы доступны ставки до матча (прематч) и в режиме реального времени (Live). Казино В Мостбет вы можете так же сыграть в азартные игры - карты, рулетку и слоты (игровые автоматы с вращающимися барабанами). Слотов очень много - на любой вкус, от классических вишенок-клубничек до современного софта с несколькими игровыми полями и бонусными раундами. На Мостбет у игроков единый счет для ставок и для казино. Приложение на интернет-сайте Мостбет вы можете загрузить приложение для игры с мобильных устройств - планшетов и телефонов под управлением операционной системы Андроид и iOS. Ссылка для скачивания этих программ располагается в самом верху главной страницы. На портале можно подробно ознакомится с отзывами игроков. Если имеется проблема со входом на интернет-сайт, то в разделе «Зеркало» вы можете выяснить об других способах входа, в случае блокировки ресурса. Для связи с гостями работает онлайн чат, в котором можно задать любой интересующий вопрос техническим консультантам букмекерской конторы.

  15. Ставки на спорт с каждым днем становятся все популярнее. У беттеров (игроков на ставках) из Узбекистана появилась возможность делать ставки в национальной валюте на портале - ставки на спорт в Украине. При регистрации в этой букмекерской конторе гость выбирает игровую валюту - узбекский сум, российский рубль, доллар либо евро. Всего доступно 19 валют! Играть на интернет-сайте смогут не только жители Узбекистана, ресурс переведен на 25 языков. Ставки на спорт На веб-сайте Мостбет вы можете сделать ставки на все ключевые события мира спорта - футбол, баскетбол, хоккей, волейбол, теннис и прочие, включая зимние виды спорта, легкую атлетику и единоборства. Для того, что бы делать ставки требуется пройти функцию регистрации, которая займет менее 5 минут. Для гостей этой букмекерской конторы доступны ставки до матча (прематч) и в режиме реального времени (Live). Казино В Мостбет можно так же сыграть в азартные игры - карты, рулетку и слоты (игровые автоматы с вращающимися барабанами). Слотов очень много - на любой вкус, от классических вишенок-клубничек до современного софта с несколькими игровыми полями и бонусными раундами. На Мостбет у игроков единый счет для ставок и для казино. Приложение на портале Мостбет вы можете загрузить приложение для игры с мобильных устройств - планшетов и телефонов под управлением операционной системы Андроид и iOS. Ссылка для скачивания этих программ располагается в самом верху главной странички. На портале вы можете ознакомиться с отзывами игроков. В случае если имеется проблема со входом на веб-сайт, то в разделе «Зеркало» можно выяснить об альтернативных методах входа, в случае блокировки ресурса. Для связи с гостями работает онлайн чат, в котором вы можете задать любой интересующий вопрос техническим консультантам букмекерской конторы.

  16. В последние годы популярность зарубежных телесериалов и полнометражных кинофильмов бьет все рейтинги. Но где их можно посмотреть? В интернете множество онлайн-кинотеатров, которые предлагают просмотр увлекательных киноработ от зарубежных кинокомпаний - турецкие сериалы в хорошем hd 720 качестве. Огромный выбор на любой вкус Но в особенности комфортно смотреть зарубежные сериалы и фильмы на интернет-сайте Turksezon.net. На этой платформе представлена огромная подборка самых популярных сегодня фильмов. На площадке вы можете бесплатно смотреть различные проекты: - турецкие; - колумбийские; - индийские; - бразильские. Все зарубежные проекты на площадке идут на российском языке. Привлекательно не только лишь хорошее качество перевода, да и высочайшее разрешение. Многие киносериалы и полнометражное кино на интернет-сайте идут в формате 720 HD. Обширное разнообразие зарубежных фильмов - одна из особенностей онлайн-кинотеатра. На сайте представлены киносериалы и полнометражное кино в самых различных жанрах. Здесь обязательно найдутся достойные внимания проекты для ценителей драм, фэнтези, боевиков, комедий. Имеется множество криминальных, исторических, семейных и военных киноработ. В соответствующих рубриках расположены актуальные детективы, триллеры, мелодрамы. Фантастическое кино, в том числе киносериалы, можно получить в отдельном блоке. Такое ранжирование по жанрам очень удобно для выбора подходящего фильма. Удобство поиска увлекательных фильмов Еще одна особенность онлайн-кинотеатра заключается в удобстве поиска интересного фильма. Каждый пользователь может подобрать кино, которое выпущено в определенный период. На портале в отдельных блоках собраны проекты, выпущенные с 2016 до 2022 годы соответственно. К каждому фильму на площадке идет маленькое, но емкое описание. Благодаря ему каждый пользователь сможет найти конкретно тот проект, что ему максимально увлекателен.

  17. Retivabet - наиболее перспективный и простой букмекерский портал - регистрация Retivabet. На портале можно получить разнообразные виды развлечений на любой вкус: казино, букмекерские ставки, игры. Если вы любитель казино, здесь для вас предусмотрено все необходимое. Легкий доступ к игровым слотам, карточным играм и рулетке, а кроме этого возможность поучаствовать в турнире. Главная задача турнира - вырваться на лидирующие позиции в турнирной таблице, потому что крупный призовой фонд будет разделен между первыми тридцатью победителями. И чем выше ваша позиция в таблице, тем больший кусок пирога вам достанется. Для ценителей спорта Retivabet предлагает большой спектр ставок. Здесь находятся не только всемирно популярные чемпионаты и команды, но и новички из разных лиг и стран, что делает результат еще более волнительным и интересным. Футбол, баскетбол, хоккей, теннис, снукер, дартс, скачки, гонки и многое другое, на чем можно заработать хорошие деньги. Выбор за вами. Киберспорт кроме этого стал неотъемлемой частью букмекерской компании. Теперь клиент может делать ставки не только на Пре-Матчи, но и на игры в режиме онлайн, в любое время дня и ночи. Для того, чтобы стать клиентом огромной семьи Revitabet, необходимо пройти регистрацию на сайте Retivabet.net. Это не займет более десяти минут, после чего новый клиент получает бонусы от компании, которыми в последствие, может пользоваться на свое усмотрение. Виды бонусов: - Приветственные; - Кешбэк с сумы ставок; - Бонус за серию проигрышей; - Экспресс бонус. Пополнение счета возможно разными способами, что делает это максимально удобным для клиентов. Вы можете использовать для пополнения и вывода денежных средств банковские карты, мобильные платежи, интернет банкинг. Никаких комиссий со стороны букмекерской компании, и даже приятные бонусы за пополнения. Никаких подводных камней, только прозрачно чистое и выгодное развлечение!

  18. Веб-сайт казино Супер Слотс представляет собой отличное сочетание удобства и функционала. Каждый из разделов обустроен опциями, которые будут понятны и полезны любому пользователю - казино Супер Слотс регистрация. Интернет-сайт предлагает пройти несложную и быструю регистрацию. Это можно сделать 3-мя вариантами: при помощи аккаунта в социальных сетях, номера телефона или электронной почты. После регистрации открывается кошелек для пополнения средств и весь ассортимент слотов. Говоря о доступных слотах, необходимо отметить богатую коллекцию сайта. Она часто обновляется и содержит как классические слоты, так и новинки игровой индустрии с необыкновенными правилами. Количество слотов на портале превышает 200 штук. На веб-сайте предложен сектор с широкой линейкой призов. К ним относятся депозитные и бездепозитные призы. Депозитные отличаются разнообразными предложениям в форматах приветствия, кэшбека, турниров и розыгрышей. Бездепозитные призы представлены фриспинами, которые игроки получают благодаря промокодам. Промокоды, в свою очередь, это бесплатное поощрение от интернет-сайта. Они даются бесплатно как новым, так и старым игрокам. Их раздача связана с особыми датами, открытием новейших слотов или большими турнирами. С помощью промокодов гости получают все виды бонусов, представленные на портале. Более того, сайт предлагает установить официальное приложение. В соответствующем разделе можно изучить мобильную версию, не уступающую в функционале компьютерной. Стоит упомянуть, что для обеих версий одинаково качественно работает служба саппорта. Портал казино информативен и грамотно спроектирован. Он предлагает огромное количество функций и услуг, которые можно без усилий получить в несколько кликов. Здесь каждый игрок становится счастливым пользователем.

  19. В последние годы популярность зарубежных телесериалов и полнометражных фильмов бьет все рейтинги. Но где их вы можете посмотреть? В интернете множество онлайн-кинотеатров, которые предлагают просмотр интересных киноработ от иностранных кинокомпаний - https://turksezon.net. Огромный выбор на любой вкус Но особенно удобно смотреть зарубежные киносериалы и фильмы на веб-сайте Turksezon.net. На этой платформе представлена большая подборка самых популярных кинофильмов. На площадке вы можете бесплатно смотреть различные проекты: - турецкие; - колумбийские; - индийские; - бразильские. Все зарубежные проекты на площадке идут на российском языке. Привлекательно не только лишь хорошее качество перевода, но и высокое разрешение. Многие киносериалы и полнометражное кино на сайте идут в формате 720 HD. Широкое обилие зарубежных фильмов - одна из особенностей онлайн-кинотеатра. На портале находятся киносериалы и полнометражное кино в самых разных жанрах. Здесь непременно найдутся достойные внимания проекты для ценителей драм, фэнтези, боевиков, комедий. Есть огромное количество криминальных, исторических, семейных и военных киноработ. В соответствующих рубриках находятся актуальные детективы, триллеры, мелодрамы. Фантастическое кино, в том числе сериалы, вы можете подобрать в отдельном блоке. Такое ранжирование по жанрам очень удобно для выбора подходящего фильма. Удобство поиска увлекательных фильмов Еще одна особенность онлайн-кинотеатра заключается в удобстве поиска увлекательного кинофильма. Каждый пользователь может найти кино, которое выпущено в определенный период. На интернет-сайте в отдельных блоках расположены проекты, выпущенные с 2016 до 2022 годы соответственно. К каждому кинофильму на площадке идет маленькое, но вместительное описание. Благодаря ему каждый пользователь сумеет подобрать конкретно тот проект, что ему максимально интересен.

  20. С каждым годом людей, у которых есть проблемы со зрением, становится все больше и больше. Очки - самый нужный и надежный способ коррекции зрения - салон детской оптики. На нашем сайте компании ROCKINGLOOK вы можете купить очень качественные оправы и линзы для очков по доступной стоимости.

  21. Инстраграмм остается самой популярной на данный момент площадкой для продвижения собственного бизнеса. Но, как показывает практика, люди еще чаще подписываются на профили в которых уже достаточное количество подписчиков. Если заниматься продвижение своими силами, потратить на это вы можете очень немало времени, поэтому еще лучше обратиться к спецам из Krutiminst.ru тут https://shaneicvm54322.develop-blog.com/18775437/ways-to-get-instagram-followers-rapid

  22. Your car could be stolen if you don't remember this!

    Imagine that your vehicle was taken! When you visit the police, they inquire about a particular "VIN search"

    A VIN decoder: What is it?

    Similar to a passport, the "VIN decoder" allows you to find out when the car was born and who its "parent"( manufacturing plant) is. You can also figure out:

    1.The type of engine

    2.Model of a car

    3.The limitations of the DMV

    4.The number of drivers in this vehicle

    The location of the car will be visible to you, and keeping in mind the code ensures your safety. The code can be viewed in the online database. The VIN is situated on various parts of the car to make it harder for thieves to steal, such as the first person sitting on the floor, the frame (often in trucks and SUVs), the spar, and other areas.

    What happens if the VIN is intentionally harmed?

    There are numerous circumstances that can result in VIN damage, but failing to have one will have unpleasant repercussions because it is illegal to intentionally harm a VIN in order to avoid going to jail or being arrested by the police. You could receive a fine of up to 80,000 rubles and spend two years in jail. You might be stopped on the road by a teacher.


    The VIN decoder may help to save your car from theft. But where can you check the car reality? This is why we exist– VIN decoders!

  23. If you don't remember this, your car may be stolen!

    Imagine that your vehicle was taken! When you visit the police, they inquire about a specific "VIN search"

    A VIN decoder is what?

    Similar to a passport, the "VIN decoder" allows you to find out when the car was born and who its "parent"( manufacturing plant) is. You can also find out:

    1.Type of engine

    2.Automobile model

    3.The DMV's limitations

    4.The number of drivers in this vehicle

    The location of the car will be visible to you, and keeping in mind the code ensures your safety. The code can be viewed in the online database. The VIN is situated on various parts of the car to make it harder for thieves to steal, such as the first person seated on the floor, the frame (often in trucks and SUVs), the spar, and other areas.

    What if the VIN is intentionally harmed?

    There are numerous circumstances that can result in VIN damage, but failing to have one will have unpleasant repercussions because it is illegal to intentionally harm a VIN in order to avoid going to jail or the police. You could receive a fine of up to 80,000 rubles or spend two years in prison. You might be held up on the road by a teacher.


    The VIN decoder may help to save your car from theft. But where can you check the car reality? This is why we exist– VIN decoders!

  24. Для возможности получить право рулить погрузчиком, требуется пройти высококачественное обучение и успешно сдать экзамены, которые подтверждают знания в этой области. Права тракториста-машиниста предоставляется в Гостехнадзоре и обязательно для тех, кто планирует трудиться на специальной технике - цена прав на погрузчик

  25. В 2023 году промокод 1хбет предоставляющий максимальный бонус - 1XFREE777. Бонусные деньги начисляются автоматом на отдельный счет и их сразу вы можете использовать для игры - промокод 1хбет.
